怎样写好推荐信 EB1A/B# Immigration - 落地生根
All the materials were taken from Administrative Decisions (Aliens with Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话是权威!!!
I downloaded All the AAO decisions for the past three years. I read one by one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of contribution. Because the works were from PDF files, I had to reformat them into word file.
It took me many hours to do the work and I'd like to share it with you.
If you are going write recommendation letters, I am 100% sure the following materials will be critical to your success.
So Baozi please for my hard work.
But if you don't have Baozi and you are going to use it, please DO NOT feel
!!! Things you should avoid!!!
While those familiar with her work generally describe it as "
significant," "valuable," having "broad impact," and consistent with "outstanding contributions and extraordinary abilities," there is insufficient documentary evidence demonstrating that the petitioner's work is of major significance. This regulatory criterion not only requires the petitioner to make original contributions, the regulatory criterion also requires those contributions to be significant. We are not persuaded by vague, solicited letters that
simply repeat the regulatory language but do not explain how the
petitioner's contributions have already influenced the field. Merely
repeating the language of the statute or regulations does not satisfy the petitioner's burden of proof.3 The lack of supporting evidence gives the AAO no basis to gauge the significance of the petitioner's present contributions.
!!! things you should include in your recommendation letters!!!
This work focused on a new area of cancer pharmacology investigations. Following the research of Dr. XXX several research groups from USA, China, Singapore, and other countries are developing monoclonal antibodies and small molecular weight inhibitors of PRL- 3 for treating cancer metastasis.
This finding confirmed that CPM possessed a more complicated role in controlling blood pressure through its interaction with BlR. This finding supplied a new direction for developing drugs to modulate blood pressure. This comprehensive analysis of kinin-killikrein system has changed the way pharmacologists approach the study of CPM and emphasizes the challenging nature of the kinin-kallikrein system. The importance and significance of this research by Dr. XXX has been quickly recognized worldwide. NewsRX, the largest website of global health news, highlighted the findings. It was immediately discussed in a review article, and other international research group.
It has been known that cells synthesize an inhibitory protein called ephrin, which binds to a receptor called Eph on the axon's growth cone. However, how this triggers the axon to change course or stop growing has been a mystery. In fact, very little has been known about the inner workings of the cell that govern axon guidance.
A breakthrough came when Dr. XXX revealed important insights into how inhibitory cues affect the growth cone, and his valuable research has opened the door to understanding how the various steps of axon guidance are controlled. He discovered that when ephrin binds to Eph receptors on the axon, it activates a protein called Vav2 in the cell's growth cone. Activation of Vav2 induces the cell to engulf the ephrin-Eph complex, breaking the bond between the cell and the repelling the axon, causing it to turn away. . . . During the course of the project, Dr. XXX developed a new method that could efficiently trace neural connections from the eye to the mid-brain in living animals. This method is now widely used in a number of laboratories. Dr. XXX spearheaded the entire project and made essential and indispensable contributions to the study. He was indeed key to its success, and
therefore was one of the co-first authors when these discoveries were reported in an article in Neuron. . . .
[The petitioner's] study discovered an intracellular signaling mechanism that determines the midline choices of retinal axons. Dr. XXX was able to demonstrate that activation of a molecule, Vav, by the Eph receptors that normally help axons to remain on the same side of the brain and not to cross over the midline, was able to prevent the midline crossing of ispilaterally projecting axons. Therefore, the signal pathway identified in [the petitioner's] study plays a key role in establishing the fundamental functional organization of the mammalian visual system.
Moreover, Dr. XXX identified possible targets within axons, Vav proteins, which could be blocked to overcome growth inhibition. Under normal circumstances, mature retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) cannot regenerate their axons after optic nerve damage and begin to die. [The petitioner's] finding may provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention so that injured RGCs can regenerate their axons through the inhibitory environment of the optic nerve. The petitioner's research has stunning ramifications with respect to developing therapeutic treatments for brain and spinal cord injuries and disorders. His work was published in the leading international scientific journal, Neuron (2005). This article has been cited 39 times thus far.
[The petitioner's] landmark doctoral research at Harvard Medical School, he revealed a
general signal transduction mechanism for axon guidance. He identified the missing link
between surface Eph receptors and cell motility machinery, which has been an outstanding question in the axon guidance field for some time. [The petitioner's] findings also help resolve the paradox of how an adhesive receptor-ligand interaction generates a repulsive cellular response. Ephrin-Eph receptor interaction initially mediates cell-to-cell contact. However, this interaction usually leads to subsequent repulsive responses of the axonal growth cones. [The petitioner's] research uncovered the significance of Vav-mediated endocytosis in switching the adhesive interaction to the repulsive response. [The petitioner's] findings have greatly accelerated research in related fields and have had a direct impact on my research.
These remarkable findings of Dr. XXX were published in . . . Neuron (2005).
My knowledge of Dr. XXX stems primarily from his first author article that was
published by the prestigious journal, Neuron (2005).[The petitioner's] research results are the first to demonstrate the signaling mechanism of Eph-mediated endocytosis in axon guidance. These findings have opened up a new field of research.
achievements to the field of gene therapy are numerous. There are many examples,
but I will discuss one that is most closely related to my field of specialty. Through [the petitioner's] expertise, she has made great strides in the discovery of a vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis, which is the major cause of death for these individuals. Her innovative study evaluated the immunogenic and protective properties of a novel adenovirus vector expressing a small part of the P. aeruginosa outer membrane protein. Through [the petitioner's] immunization process, all those vaccinated animals in the study survived the Pseudomonas challenge. Previously,
the standard vaccination had failed to induce sufficient protection against pseudomonas infection; therefore, [the petitioner's] findings are groundbreaking, as well as truly remarkable for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis who are affected by acute P. aeruginosa infections. ---
There are several indications that the power of the immune system can be harnessed to help in treating neuroblastoma; and Dr. XXX has decided to effectively enhance the potency of cellular immunity by an entirely novel strategy. In fact, Dr. XXX designed an innovative fusion receptor that conserves the antigen-binding site of an antibody and fuses it genetically to the signaling domain of the T cell co-receptor CD28. Introducing this co-receptor into primary human lymphocytes reveals
that the advantage of this strategy is a sustained stimulation and expansion of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells after tumor antigen engagement. The results are original and encouraging: indeed,[the petitioner's] research is the cornerstone for understanding important aspects of immune competent cells in this disease and developing treatments and cures.
Dr. XXX has made original contributions of major significance to the field, such as her breakthrough research "Activation conditions determine susceptibility of murine primary T lymphocytes to retroviral infections," which were published in the Journal of Gene Medicine. Dr. XXX developed the first procedure to establish animal models when an adoptive transfer of transduced T cells is required. A high transduction efficiency rate of T cells is absolutely essential to developing genetic therapies for autoimmune and oncology diseases. [The petitioner's] findings are
truly momentous and are widely performed by leading scientists to analyze expansion procedures and gene transfer conditions for primary animal and human cells to achieve sufficient gene transfer in premier institutions and organizations worldwide.
Because of her innovation research and expertise in lymphoid and myeloid cells, [the petitioner's] work has led to a critical breakthrough. She currently has a patent pending for her revolutionary work dealing with fusion proteins of a single chain antibody and CD28. She discovered that the introduction of the receptor CD28 by retroviral gene transfer into human T cells improves tumor and metastasis recognition, their eradication, as well as extending survival of tumor specific cells. Her
discovery is a model for the treatment of patients with progressive inoperable neuoblastoma and metastasized tumor loci.
extraordinary work in the field of genetic manipulation of lymphoid and myeloid
cells has made groundbreaking contributions to biomedical science. For example, [the petitioner's] detailed study "Activation conditions determine susceptibility of murine primary T lymphocytes to retroviral infections," (Journal of Gene Medicine) received extensive worldwide interest, as it was the first successful study of the procedure to achieve sufficient gene transfer into primary T cells. Her scientific work is of major importance and has had an enormous influence on researchers in the field of Gene Therapy because of its dramatic implications to create therapies . . . .
Dr. XXX employed a novel technique "trans-splicing" at the mRNS level to ensure a tissue specific and controlled CD40L expression and exclude the risk of a lymphoma development. The results of [the petitioner's] study have dramatic implications as the gene therapy strategy successfully corrected the disease without increasing malignancy risk. Besides the importance of [the petitioner's]
study has for the immune disorder, her technique has implications for treating a wide range of genetic illnesses.
Dr. XXX is responsible for several significant scientific achievements, including the discovery that the transcription factor STAT3 is important in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). During [the petitioner's] service as Co-Director of the Gene Transfer Facility at the Hospital of Special Surgery, she researched genetically modifying human synoviocytes from patients with RA. RA synoviocytes show the features of uncontrolled growth to pro-inflammatory cytokines present in the inflamed joints of patients. In [the petitioner's] investigation, she introduced a dominant negative form of the transcription factor STAT3 into these cells and successfully abolished their response to growth factors. The results are highly significant and this novel approach to modify synoviocytes as a potential therapy for RA-patients has wide clinical applications in the treatment of RA and other autoimmundiseases. Through [the petitioner's] expertise, specifically in lymphoid and myeloid cells, she has made scientific advances to our knowledge and our ability to utilize gene therapy strategies. A long-standing goal of cancer research has been to stimulate the immunological rejection of tumors. [The
petitioner] has brought scientists significantly closer to this goal through her discovery that T cells encoded in a fusion protein that incorporates a single chain antibody have enhanced survival when reintroduced to an in vivo environment. Because of [the petitioner's] discovery, she has a patent application pending, which is a model for the treatment of patients with progressive inoperable neuoblastoma and metastasized tumor loci.
I have never worked with Dr. XXX; however, I am very familiar with her research and accomplishments. I first became aware of her extraordinary research upon reading her publications in the Journal of Experimental Medicine and Nature Biotechnology. Both of these pieces focus on the ability to efficiently manipulate primary lymphoid and myeloid cells in a genetic fashion, in order to make them more antigen-specific. Manipulating primary cells ex vivo with the purpose of adoptively
transferring them back into the host was, until then, a major burden in the development of useful biological treatments for many diseases. [The petitioner's] findings have made a key contribution to the gene therapy field of research.
Dr. XXX has shown great expertise and has received international recognition for her contributions to the field of gene transfer in primary immune cells. She successfully developed an exciting new strategy to inhibit the uncontrolled growth of primary RA synoviocytes by introducing a dominant negative form of the transcription factor STAT3 into these cells to abolish the response to pro-inflammatory cytokines secreted by T cells and macrophages. STAT3 is one of the major cellular proteins that promote proliferation and survival of cells from different origins in response to many
cytokines (1 11-6) and growth factors (EGF and PDGF) during acute synovitis. In her groundbreaking article "Gene transfer of dominant-negative STAT3 induces apoptosis of RA Synovial Fibroblasts," published in the prestigious Journal of Immunology, Dr. XXX revealed that these transduced synoviocytes from RA patients, normally prone to grow in an uncontrolled manner, are reverted in their phenotype and undergo apoptosis. It is due to [the petitioner's] highly specialized skills and progressive research techniques that she discovered a new strategy to stop the uncontrolled growth of synoviocytes of RApatients in a pro-inflammatory environment.


【在 L******r 的大作中提到】
: All the materials were taken from Administrative Decisions (Aliens with Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话是权威!!!
: I downloaded All the AAO decisions for the past three years. I read one by one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of contribution. Because the works were from PDF files, I had to reformat them into word file.
: It took me many hours to do the work and I'd like to share it with you.
: If you are going write recommendation letters, I am 100% sure the following materials will be critical to your success.
: So Baozi please for my hard work.
: But if you don't have Baozi and you are going to use it, please DO NOT feel
: guilty.
: ####################################
: !!! Things you should avoid!!!
: While those familiar with her work generally describe it as "

co 超赞!
With such letters, then the PL can be easily written by citing these hard and soft evidences.

【在 g*******3 的大作中提到】
: 这个要顶,超赞。
: 会不会大家都学会以后,IO就觉得这样写也不行了呢。就象滥用抗生素一样。

So great!
So good!
Thanks a lot!!!!

Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话
one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs
from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of
contribution. Because the words w
following materials will be critical to your success. Always keep in mind
what you should and should not write in letters.
outstanding contributions and extraordinary abilities," there is
insufficient documentary evidence demonstrating that the petitioner's work
is of major significance. This r

【在 L******r 的大作中提到】
: All the materials were taken from Administrative Decisions (Aliens with Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话是权威!!!
: I downloaded All the AAO decisions for the past three years. I read one by one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of contribution. Because the works were from PDF files, I had to reformat them into word file.
: It took me many hours to do the work and I'd like to share it with you.
: If you are going write recommendation letters, I am 100% sure the following materials will be critical to your success.
: So Baozi please for my hard work.
: But if you don't have Baozi and you are going to use it, please DO NOT feel
: guilty.
: ####################################
: !!! Things you should avoid!!!
: While those familiar with her work generally describe it as "

zan sharing!
co 超赞!
Thanks for your sharing.
super zan!关于律师,大概咱们DIYers的观点都差不多。

Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话
one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs
from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of
contribution. Because the words were taken from PDF files, I had to reformat
them into word file.
following materials will be critical to your success. Always keep in mind
what you should and should not write in letters.
outstanding contributions and extraordinary abilities," there is
insufficient documentary evidence demonstrating that the petitioner's work
is of major significance. This regulatory criterion not only requires
the petitioner to make original contributions, the regulatory criterion
also requires those contributions to be significant. We are not persuaded by
vague, solicited letters that simply repeat the regulato: ry language but
do not explain how the petitioner's contributions have already influenced
the field. Merely repeating the language of the statute or regulations does
not satisfy the petitioner's burden of proof.3 The lack of supporting
evidence gives the AAO no basis to gauge the significance of the petitioner'
s present contributions.

【在 L******r 的大作中提到】
: All the materials were taken from Administrative Decisions (Aliens with Extraordinary Ability/ Outstanding Professors and Researchers). 所以这些话是权威!!!
: I downloaded All the AAO decisions for the past three years. I read one by one for a total number of more than 200 decisions. I took good paragraphs from recommendation letters which IOs thought have met criterion of contribution. Because the works were from PDF files, I had to reformat them into word file.
: It took me many hours to do the work and I'd like to share it with you.
: If you are going write recommendation letters, I am 100% sure the following materials will be critical to your success.
: So Baozi please for my hard work.
: But if you don't have Baozi and you are going to use it, please DO NOT feel
: guilty.
: ####################################
: !!! Things you should avoid!!!
: While those familiar with her work generally describe it as "

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