烙印移民律师sweatshop (转载)
烙印移民律师sweatshop (转载)# Immigration - 落地生根
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 烙印移民律师sweatshop
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 17 21:13:57 2014, 美东)
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Re: Murthy Law这帮attorney是不是吃干饭的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 17 21:10:05 2014, 美东)
Murthy LAW是有名的烙印移民律师sweatshop.
80+律师, 不知道多少外包给烙印的paralegal.
无比傲气地挑战移民局. 大概
给他点有力的竞争. 否则
------------附上: LPO:烙印外包老美的律师产业:志在必得!--------------------
亮点是"advantageous timezone".
亲切会谈;把自己的活打包送给the people with
endless advantages,自己去吃救济就可以啦!
Hotel Radisson Blu
Plot No. D, District Centre, Outer Ring Road
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110063
Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Evolution Becomes Legal Industry Revolution
India has emerged as one of the world's best Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO)
centers due to the region's lower-cost legal professionals, advanced
technologies, advantageous time zone, and English-language proficiencies.
During the last three years, the Indian LPO sector has grown exponentially,
in part due to an overhaul of the legal service delivery model and industry
globalization. Indian LPOs have taken their conventional stand-alone service
offerings, such as legal support, legal research, and IP, and packaged them
into sophisticated, end-to-end solutions. And, the global legal industry
has begun to widely appreciate the business advantages of the LPO model. The
past few years have seen the evolution of LPO turn into a revolution for
the global legal industry!
The Global Outsourcing Association for Lawyers (GOAL) invites you to join
LPO professionals, law firm partners, in-house lawyers and legal departments
, and government representatives to discuss global LPO trends, developments
and opportunities for LPOs and LPO users in the Golden Age of legal
Pre-scheduled One-on-One Introductions:
The conference will serve as a platform for introductory sessions between In
-house lawyers and legal support service providers including law firms. It's
an opportunity for event participants to know each other and discuss their
business requirements and offerings. Our on-site teams make genuine efforts
to introduce you to your potential clients, peers and/or legal service
providers for global legal support services.
The session gives each In-house lawyer an opportunity to establish critical
contact with a potential legal support service provider. Invitations are
sent to only the top executives of law departments who are in charge of
availing the external legal support and to law firms and global legal
service providers with cutting-edge infrastructure to meet In-house lawyer
demands in foreign markets.
How does it work?
The most influential In-house lawyers are selected and contacted personally
by the GOAL event management team and it is ensured that they are central to
strategic procurement decisions. In addition, an assessment of their
business objectives and needs are compiled to schedule one-on-one
introductory sessions. On the other hand, GOAL's teams collect the requisite
information from the legal support service providers also. Our In-house
fully customized software generates the match and the intimation is sent to
all concerned stakeholders. The teams suggest the time plans, venue, format,
etc. for the sessions. Once the teams get the approval, the sessions are
finalized and communicated via email to all.
Have a question or comment about our conference? We are eager to hear from
you. Contact us at +91-11-4706-8455 or [email protected]
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