请教751临时绿卡转正RFE# Immigration - 落地生根
my NOA was 10/19/2015....and as the date of 04/28/2016.(after 6 months of
waiting..).I got a Request for Evidence Notice.
There are something going on with my application...First of all, I have two
NOA receipts numbers(both start with WAC)...I constantly check both receipts
case status online. One showing as 'case received' while the one as 'My
Case Status does not recognize the receipt number entered.....' the RFE
notice only reflect one of them, which is the one CAN NOT be tracked online!
!!! Now I'm totally confused which number attached to my application...
The content of this RFE is 'you have not established that the marriage upon
which you were granted conditional status was entered into in good faith'. I
have given all I have to show evidence the truth of my marriage.I attached
the two years W2, the HUD letter and mortgage(house), same address for 2
years after temporary GC, car insurance, joint credit card statements, same
telephone bills, pics and many others. The only thing we do not have are 1.
child 2. joint debt account.
At this point what shall I do...Many thanks! I really appreciate it!
try to get a hold of tier 2 officer
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