anybody knows voice over ip?# Internet - 有缘千里一线牵
HI, I have to do a project related to voice over ip. right now, I have a cisco
router which has a ethernet modelar and a voice interface modular. Is there
anybody who knows how can I connect the telephone on the router to a webserver
through the router. Sencond, how can I send a audio file resided in webserver
back to telephone?
i would think that you can configure this router as a h323 gateway.
check cisco web site for how to do it.
i don't know if you can use the same router to do the rest works (access
web page, etc). my guess would be no, because of the way cisco makes
and licenses their software.
you can configure one computer on your lan as a h323 client to
interface between the the call and the web server
if you have 10k to burn, get a cisco media convergence server, it can
do these things easily. but usually

【在 p*******g 的大作中提到】
: HI, I have to do a project related to voice over ip. right now, I have a cisco
: router which has a ethernet modelar and a voice interface modular. Is there
: anybody who knows how can I connect the telephone on the router to a webserver
: through the router. Sencond, how can I send a audio file resided in webserver
: back to telephone?

post your solution here if you figure it out
quite interesting
first what do you mean by connecting telephone to the web server?
does the web server has a client? I know SIP 3PCC feature was meant for this

【在 r*****e 的大作中提到】
: i would think that you can configure this router as a h323 gateway.
: check cisco web site for how to do it.
: i don't know if you can use the same router to do the rest works (access
: web page, etc). my guess would be no, because of the way cisco makes
: and licenses their software.
: you can configure one computer on your lan as a h323 client to
: interface between the the call and the web server
: if you have 10k to burn, get a cisco media convergence server, it can
: do these things easily. but usually

I just got a rough idea for this project, but I do not have the clear details.
I guess you know the phone-to-pc connection. Now my idea is to reverse it,
phone-to-pc. but I make it simple here: I bought two cisco 3620 routers each
with one ethernet modular which could be connected to LAN and one voice
interface modular which could be connected to regular telephone. with the
voice interface
modular, it is easy to make the phones resided on different routers to call
each other. But now, I made on

【在 h**h 的大作中提到】
: post your solution here if you figure it out
: quite interesting
: first what do you mean by connecting telephone to the web server?
: does the web server has a client? I know SIP 3PCC feature was meant for this

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