[合集] 什么东西抵制 interest rate hike 的?# Investment - 投资
1 楼
lightsaber (lightsaber) 于 (Sat Jan 6 13:11:47 2007) 提到:
原来我以为是 gold, 不过看了看, 用GLD为例, 好象一点都没用的说. 5,6 月跌的比谁
都欢. 昨天也大跌.
chromosome (染色体) 于 (Sat Jan 6 13:39:41 2007) 提到:
Gold price is pretty speculative...
I know bank loan mutual fund goes with the interest rate. It has higher
return when interest rate increases. Not sure if this is something you are
looking for.
I thought the risk of intereste rate hike is no
lightsaber (lightsaber) 于 (Sat Jan 6 13:11:47 2007) 提到:
原来我以为是 gold, 不过看了看, 用GLD为例, 好象一点都没用的说. 5,6 月跌的比谁
都欢. 昨天也大跌.
chromosome (染色体) 于 (Sat Jan 6 13:39:41 2007) 提到:
Gold price is pretty speculative...
I know bank loan mutual fund goes with the interest rate. It has higher
return when interest rate increases. Not sure if this is something you are
looking for.
I thought the risk of intereste rate hike is no