7 楼
I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
paying any cost.
RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
【在 S**G 的大作中提到】
: 之前热钱涌入中国,加上自己狂印钞票,导致通胀。
: 现在提高汇率,估计是为了遏制更多热钱涌入。
: 可是如果之前涌入的热钱借机退出,这些热钱就白白赚到,而且达到之前涌入的目的。
: 不知对中国而言是福是祸。
do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
paying any cost.
RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
【在 S**G 的大作中提到】
: 之前热钱涌入中国,加上自己狂印钞票,导致通胀。
: 现在提高汇率,估计是为了遏制更多热钱涌入。
: 可是如果之前涌入的热钱借机退出,这些热钱就白白赚到,而且达到之前涌入的目的。
: 不知对中国而言是福是祸。
8 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
9 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
10 楼
升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
办法就是 RMB 升值。
俗话说 No pain, no gain.
【在 K*Q 的大作中提到】
: 我就不明白有什么麻烦?
: 升值对中国有什么好处?为什么要跟着别人指挥棒走?
: without
升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
办法就是 RMB 升值。
俗话说 No pain, no gain.
【在 K*Q 的大作中提到】
: 我就不明白有什么麻烦?
: 升值对中国有什么好处?为什么要跟着别人指挥棒走?
: without
11 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: 这不是跟着别人的指挥棒走。一味盲从固然不对,死倔较劲也没什么好英雄的。
: 升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
: 远也没法调整。每年造成大量的外汇顺差没办法解决,国家囤积了大量的美元没法投
: 资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
: 你真的想永远呆在产业链的底端让美国人挥霍中国人的劳动么?打破这种现状的唯一
: 办法就是 RMB 升值。
: 即便抛开这些不说,一个国家生产力上去了,货币自然就应该升值。如果人为的不让
: 它升,就好像筑坝拦水一样。这个坝现在越筑越高,如果不想办法解决,等到其不堪
: 重负被水冲垮,那时的危机对中国就不是98年的危机可以比拟的了。
: 俗话说 No pain, no gain.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: 这不是跟着别人的指挥棒走。一味盲从固然不对,死倔较劲也没什么好英雄的。
: 升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
: 远也没法调整。每年造成大量的外汇顺差没办法解决,国家囤积了大量的美元没法投
: 资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
: 你真的想永远呆在产业链的底端让美国人挥霍中国人的劳动么?打破这种现状的唯一
: 办法就是 RMB 升值。
: 即便抛开这些不说,一个国家生产力上去了,货币自然就应该升值。如果人为的不让
: 它升,就好像筑坝拦水一样。这个坝现在越筑越高,如果不想办法解决,等到其不堪
: 重负被水冲垮,那时的危机对中国就不是98年的危机可以比拟的了。
: 俗话说 No pain, no gain.
12 楼
如果 2008 年以前 RMB 升值的幅度再大一些,时间上再早一些,2008 年危机的时候中
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我想应该担心的是,人民币升值后产业结构改革失败怎么办?个人感觉这种改革失败的
: 可能性还是很大的,特别是在中国这种封建资本主义国家,信贷机制完全人为操控的市
: 场。
: 在建立起完整的金融信贷市场之前,盲目的试图产业升级,不是一个很好的想法。个人
: 认为人民币升值没有什么好处。
如果 2008 年以前 RMB 升值的幅度再大一些,时间上再早一些,2008 年危机的时候中
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我想应该担心的是,人民币升值后产业结构改革失败怎么办?个人感觉这种改革失败的
: 可能性还是很大的,特别是在中国这种封建资本主义国家,信贷机制完全人为操控的市
: 场。
: 在建立起完整的金融信贷市场之前,盲目的试图产业升级,不是一个很好的想法。个人
: 认为人民币升值没有什么好处。
13 楼
我的天啊,还要升啊,各位大哥, 到底要升到多少才算完啊?
唉,现在卖掉低价的美国的房子回中国买那个高价的, 本来就已经够傻的了,再加上人民
币升值,真是没法活了! 我家LD脑子发烧,一定要归,真是没办法.
唉,现在卖掉低价的美国的房子回中国买那个高价的, 本来就已经够傻的了,再加上人民
币升值,真是没法活了! 我家LD脑子发烧,一定要归,真是没办法.
16 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: 这不是跟着别人的指挥棒走。一味盲从固然不对,死倔较劲也没什么好英雄的。
: 升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
: 远也没法调整。每年造成大量的外汇顺差没办法解决,国家囤积了大量的美元没法投
: 资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
: 你真的想永远呆在产业链的底端让美国人挥霍中国人的劳动么?打破这种现状的唯一
: 办法就是 RMB 升值。
: 即便抛开这些不说,一个国家生产力上去了,货币自然就应该升值。如果人为的不让
: 它升,就好像筑坝拦水一样。这个坝现在越筑越高,如果不想办法解决,等到其不堪
: 重负被水冲垮,那时的危机对中国就不是98年的危机可以比拟的了。
: 俗话说 No pain, no gain.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: 这不是跟着别人的指挥棒走。一味盲从固然不对,死倔较劲也没什么好英雄的。
: 升值不是有没有好处的问题,而是长期发展至关重要的问题。RMB 不升值产业结构永
: 远也没法调整。每年造成大量的外汇顺差没办法解决,国家囤积了大量的美元没法投
: 资,只能购买美国国债。你真的认为现在的 Chinamerica 的经济结构是长久之计么?
: 你真的想永远呆在产业链的底端让美国人挥霍中国人的劳动么?打破这种现状的唯一
: 办法就是 RMB 升值。
: 即便抛开这些不说,一个国家生产力上去了,货币自然就应该升值。如果人为的不让
: 它升,就好像筑坝拦水一样。这个坝现在越筑越高,如果不想办法解决,等到其不堪
: 重负被水冲垮,那时的危机对中国就不是98年的危机可以比拟的了。
: 俗话说 No pain, no gain.
18 楼
19 楼
I have been talking to people in China, and many of them told me "things are
different in China. Common economics doesn't apply."
That's what's troubling me the most, because it sounds awfully familiar from
just before the "New Economy" bubble busted.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
21 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: I hope Hu and Wen understand that there has to be some cost. You cannot
: do something against the market law (holding RMB from appreciation) without
: paying any cost.
: RMB 升值的确会付出代价,一方面我们的外汇储备贬值,另一方面热钱又捞了一笔。
: 但是这个代价早晚要付。There is no way out. 拖得越晚,麻烦就越大。其实现在
: 是 RMB 升值的最好时机,如果中国政府不抓住就太让我失望了。
23 楼
Inflation/deflation and appreciation/depreciation are two different things.
One is about how much you can buy inside the country per currency unit, the
other is about how much you can exchange for other currencies outside the
country. They are related, but definitely totally different.
【在 S**G 的大作中提到】
: 其实让我困惑的是现在连中国政府都在承认有大幅通胀,也就是说RMB在贬值。但是采
: 取的对策不是收回流通,而是提高汇率,也就是说让RMB升值。这个升值可以说是人为
: 的吧。所以感觉这个策略很奇怪。
: without
One is about how much you can buy inside the country per currency unit, the
other is about how much you can exchange for other currencies outside the
country. They are related, but definitely totally different.
【在 S**G 的大作中提到】
: 其实让我困惑的是现在连中国政府都在承认有大幅通胀,也就是说RMB在贬值。但是采
: 取的对策不是收回流通,而是提高汇率,也就是说让RMB升值。这个升值可以说是人为
: 的吧。所以感觉这个策略很奇怪。
: without
33 楼
why? inflation is like RMB appreciation.
say $1 = 7 RMB.
before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
inflation is not there yet.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Inflation/deflation and appreciation/depreciation are two different things.
: One is about how much you can buy inside the country per currency unit, the
: other is about how much you can exchange for other currencies outside the
: country. They are related, but definitely totally different.
say $1 = 7 RMB.
before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
inflation is not there yet.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Inflation/deflation and appreciation/depreciation are two different things.
: One is about how much you can buy inside the country per currency unit, the
: other is about how much you can exchange for other currencies outside the
: country. They are related, but definitely totally different.
34 楼
they just want to rob the ppl's savings more.
【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: why? inflation is like RMB appreciation.
: say $1 = 7 RMB.
: before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
: now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
: seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
: US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
: inflation is not there yet.
: the
【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: why? inflation is like RMB appreciation.
: say $1 = 7 RMB.
: before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
: now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
: seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
: US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
: inflation is not there yet.
: the
35 楼
That's very true. And that's why it has to be done slowly and in a
controlled way. On the other hand, export relies on other countries'
demand, which is something completely out of control. And that's
one of the many reasons that China have to change its structure of
industries. Like a sick person, he cannot say he does not take medicine
just because the medicine is bitter.
【在 B***r 的大作中提到】
: The government's concern is more about job and stability. Not profit. If
: they reduce output industry, which industry will replace it for the job
: creation?
controlled way. On the other hand, export relies on other countries'
demand, which is something completely out of control. And that's
one of the many reasons that China have to change its structure of
industries. Like a sick person, he cannot say he does not take medicine
just because the medicine is bitter.
【在 B***r 的大作中提到】
: The government's concern is more about job and stability. Not profit. If
: they reduce output industry, which industry will replace it for the job
: creation?
37 楼
You didn't get it, do you? you really think the housing bubble comes from
hot money? The housing bubble is purely local issue. We have this housing
bubble exactly because RMB is too cheap.
Here is what happened:
RMD didn't appreciate enough before 2007 -> export industry is growing big
as a whole but running on a low margin and labor intensive -> when the
financial crisis hit on 2008 due to developed countries' non-sense spending,
export is impacted hugely for a reason out of our control -> mill
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我先声明一下,我指的贬值是短暂的小幅度的贬值,意在抵抗热钱所造成的房产泡沫或
: 者股市泡沫,同时提高出口利润。
: 不知道你所指的自伤8000从何而来?
hot money? The housing bubble is purely local issue. We have this housing
bubble exactly because RMB is too cheap.
Here is what happened:
RMD didn't appreciate enough before 2007 -> export industry is growing big
as a whole but running on a low margin and labor intensive -> when the
financial crisis hit on 2008 due to developed countries' non-sense spending,
export is impacted hugely for a reason out of our control -> mill
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我先声明一下,我指的贬值是短暂的小幅度的贬值,意在抵抗热钱所造成的房产泡沫或
: 者股市泡沫,同时提高出口利润。
: 不知道你所指的自伤8000从何而来?
38 楼
Your argument is only valid if there is no tariff, no trade restriction,
currencies are free to exchange, interest rates are same, distribution
channels have the same cost, and more ...
【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: why? inflation is like RMB appreciation.
: say $1 = 7 RMB.
: before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
: now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
: seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
: US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
: inflation is not there yet.
: the
currencies are free to exchange, interest rates are same, distribution
channels have the same cost, and more ...
【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: why? inflation is like RMB appreciation.
: say $1 = 7 RMB.
: before: 1 toy = 7 RMB = $1
: now: 1 toy = 14 RMB = $2
: seems like the goverment like inflation more than appreciation of RMB.
: US goverment is doing the same thing too by printing more money, though
: inflation is not there yet.
: the
40 楼
No, I didn't get you.
When you say there's no outside demand. Do you just mean growth of demand or
absolute demand? I don't think supply and demand is an easy topic to
address. But if you say there is no demand, why do you care your industrial
structure? You think there will be more demand simply because you appreciate
your own currency and push to structurly upgrade?
Of course hot money is not the only factor causing the housing bubble, but
that's a dangerous factor to Chinese economy. Since th
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: You didn't get it, do you? you really think the housing bubble comes from
: hot money? The housing bubble is purely local issue. We have this housing
: bubble exactly because RMB is too cheap.
: Here is what happened:
: RMD didn't appreciate enough before 2007 -> export industry is growing big
: as a whole but running on a low margin and labor intensive -> when the
: financial crisis hit on 2008 due to developed countries' non-sense spending,
: export is impacted hugely for a reason out of our control -> mill
When you say there's no outside demand. Do you just mean growth of demand or
absolute demand? I don't think supply and demand is an easy topic to
address. But if you say there is no demand, why do you care your industrial
structure? You think there will be more demand simply because you appreciate
your own currency and push to structurly upgrade?
Of course hot money is not the only factor causing the housing bubble, but
that's a dangerous factor to Chinese economy. Since th
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: You didn't get it, do you? you really think the housing bubble comes from
: hot money? The housing bubble is purely local issue. We have this housing
: bubble exactly because RMB is too cheap.
: Here is what happened:
: RMD didn't appreciate enough before 2007 -> export industry is growing big
: as a whole but running on a low margin and labor intensive -> when the
: financial crisis hit on 2008 due to developed countries' non-sense spending,
: export is impacted hugely for a reason out of our control -> mill
41 楼
Honestly, I don't know what is wrong to let hot money benefit. I think hot
money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
are lot of e
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: No, I didn't get you.
: When you say there's no outside demand. Do you just mean growth of demand or
: absolute demand? I don't think supply and demand is an easy topic to
: address. But if you say there is no demand, why do you care your industrial
: structure? You think there will be more demand simply because you appreciate
: your own currency and push to structurly upgrade?
: Of course hot money is not the only factor causing the housing bubble, but
: that's a dangerous factor to Chinese economy. Since th
money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
are lot of e
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: No, I didn't get you.
: When you say there's no outside demand. Do you just mean growth of demand or
: absolute demand? I don't think supply and demand is an easy topic to
: address. But if you say there is no demand, why do you care your industrial
: structure? You think there will be more demand simply because you appreciate
: your own currency and push to structurly upgrade?
: Of course hot money is not the only factor causing the housing bubble, but
: that's a dangerous factor to Chinese economy. Since th
42 楼
Interesting discussion. I am wondering if 产业升级跟货币升值之间有没有什么必
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Honestly, I don't know what is wrong to let hot money benefit. I think hot
: money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
: imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
: You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
: a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
: I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
: No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
: are lot of e
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Honestly, I don't know what is wrong to let hot money benefit. I think hot
: money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
: imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
: You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
: a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
: I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
: No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
: are lot of e
44 楼
45 楼
depreciation RMB can not make profit margin higher. Because as soon as some
exporter get a higher than normal margin, more local competitors will emerge and
bring the product price down. The end result is still a low margin market,
but difference is you get less dollar -> the central bank get less dollar
for unit product.
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 出口利润不高,就应该让人民币贬值,让利润变高点,让热钱死掉。
: 这才是我们应该做的。
exporter get a higher than normal margin, more local competitors will emerge and
bring the product price down. The end result is still a low margin market,
but difference is you get less dollar -> the central bank get less dollar
for unit product.
【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 出口利润不高,就应该让人民币贬值,让利润变高点,让热钱死掉。
: 这才是我们应该做的。
46 楼
I think sdlx's theory is basically right. If China just let RMB to inflate,
it has the same effect as letting it appreciate - from internactional trade
perspective. But fast inflation can be much more dangerous and damaging than
appreciation to domestic economy, and it can be hard to wind down when this
process needs to stop. That is why people normally oppose using inflation
to implicitly appreciate currency.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Your argument is only valid if there is no tariff, no trade restriction,
: currencies are free to exchange, interest rates are same, distribution
: channels have the same cost, and more ...
it has the same effect as letting it appreciate - from internactional trade
perspective. But fast inflation can be much more dangerous and damaging than
appreciation to domestic economy, and it can be hard to wind down when this
process needs to stop. That is why people normally oppose using inflation
to implicitly appreciate currency.
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Your argument is only valid if there is no tariff, no trade restriction,
: currencies are free to exchange, interest rates are same, distribution
: channels have the same cost, and more ...
47 楼
吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
【在 t*******d 的大作中提到】
: Interesting discussion. I am wondering if 产业升级跟货币升值之间有没有什么必
: 然的关系。比如说人民币升值会帮助
: 产业升级,或者人民币升值会强迫产业升级。人民币不升值就没有产业升级的动力。不
: 知道这两个之间的关系是什么样
: 的?
吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
【在 t*******d 的大作中提到】
: Interesting discussion. I am wondering if 产业升级跟货币升值之间有没有什么必
: 然的关系。比如说人民币升值会帮助
: 产业升级,或者人民币升值会强迫产业升级。人民币不升值就没有产业升级的动力。不
: 知道这两个之间的关系是什么样
: 的?
48 楼
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
50 楼
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
55 楼
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Honestly, I don't know what is wrong to let hot money benefit. I think hot
: money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
: imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
: You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
: a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
: I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
: No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
: are lot of e
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Honestly, I don't know what is wrong to let hot money benefit. I think hot
: money deserves to be benefited. They see the imbalance and they attack the
: imbalance. Why hot money come to China? why don't they go to Japan or UK?
: You think hot money come to China just because 帝国主义亡我之心不死?As
: a matter of fact, I send a large portion of my money back to China because
: I believe that's the best place to reserve the value.
: No, I don't think a simple currency appreciation will bring demand. There
: are lot of e
57 楼
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题的关键是到底什么样的经济发展是可持续的。让RMB贬值,增加出口,大量美
: 元流入,堆积如山,但怎么花呢?RMB很便宜,日常的中国和外国都能生产的东西谁会
: 愿意进口呢?因为RMB太便宜了,能从国内买为什么还要用便宜的RMB去换贵的美元进口
: 呢?去买战略资源(必须大量,否则杯水车薪),能买得到吗?看看去澳大利亚买矿的几
: 家最后不都是灰头土脸的回来了,这还是趁人家最弱的时候下手呢,一旦缓过来立刻都
: 翻脸了。想买公司,技术,好的核心的一样买不到。比如AMD烂吧,在美国没人瞧得上
: 吧,你中投真去试试控股看?肯定早去国会立案block了。还想intel, GE什么的?门儿
: 都没有。美元虽然好,多了就过犹不及,花不了还不是废纸一张?难道几十年后等美元
: 终于崩溃时留给下一辈?
: 你想想这些美元,都是那么多劳工辛辛苦苦,一点一点的蒸出来的。可能还有对环境,
58 楼
7.2几的时候转过去了些,到现在好几年了也没涨多少,莫非耐心要pay off了?
59 楼
emerge and
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: depreciation RMB can not make profit margin higher. Because as soon as some
: exporter get a higher than normal margin, more local competitors will emerge and
: bring the product price down. The end result is still a low margin market,
: but difference is you get less dollar -> the central bank get less dollar
: for unit product.
emerge and
【在 d*****z 的大作中提到】
: depreciation RMB can not make profit margin higher. Because as soon as some
: exporter get a higher than normal margin, more local competitors will emerge and
: bring the product price down. The end result is still a low margin market,
: but difference is you get less dollar -> the central bank get less dollar
: for unit product.
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