open source java programs/tools database
open source java programs/tools database# Java - 爪哇娇娃
I am thinking about storing the pointers/links of good open source java
tools/programs on I'd like to get some feedback from everyone
if that's helpful or not. Would you like to use that? Thanks!


【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: I am thinking about storing the pointers/links of good open source java
: tools/programs on I'd like to get some feedback from everyone
: if that's helpful or not. Would you like to use that? Thanks!

Goodbug, thanks a lot for providing that link.
It seems a good starting point to know open source programs. But, I guess
what I want to accomplish is:
1) find all the good open source or public domain java tools/programs
2) some of the open source programs/tools are not robust enough or not very
good, so I wouldn't recommend that
So, bottomline is, I want to create a place to store the easy-to-use java
tools, as simple as just one java class.
What do you think?
Man, there are so many review sites now that I think what
we really need is a review site about the review sites!


【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: Goodbug, thanks a lot for providing that link.
: It seems a good starting point to know open source programs. But, I guess
: what I want to accomplish is:
: 1) find all the good open source or public domain java tools/programs
: 2) some of the open source programs/tools are not robust enough or not very
: good, so I wouldn't recommend that
: So, bottomline is, I want to create a place to store the easy-to-use java
: tools, as simple as just one java class.
: What do you think?

Google rules.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Man, there are so many review sites now that I think what
: we really need is a review site about the review sites!
: very


Google is good enough for most needs. But, for certain search needs, Google
is not specific enough.
Being a search engine technologist, I'd like to do a special search engines
to satisfies those niche markets.
Something Google doesn't do well:
1) e-commerce product search
2) recency based search (they sucks at searching for recent discussions
about java, for example, for something dynamic like java platform, I'd like
to see recent articles about java rather than old stuff)
3) their search conta

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Google rules.
Interesting. Are you working in this field, trying to solve these issues?
Product search - so far I don't believe it can be solved if the data source
is crawler. Some companies do much better with product feed aggregation. gg
may do the same in the future.
Recency shouldn't be a hard to solve problem for them. I've been wondering
why they are not doing this.
I actually think their are doing well in spam site control. It's a tough


【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: Google is good enough for most needs. But, for certain search needs, Google
: is not specific enough.
: Being a search engine technologist, I'd like to do a special search engines
: to satisfies those niche markets.
: Something Google doesn't do well:
: 1) e-commerce product search
: 2) recency based search (they sucks at searching for recent discussions
: about java, for example, for something dynamic like java platform, I'd like
: to see recent articles about java rather than old stuff)


Search is my hobby ;-) Hope it would be my career in the future... My work
deals with search technology, but, not entirely.
Google used to have crawler based product search (froogle at that time),
they switched to feed based later on. I guess just like you mentioned,
crawler based is too wishywashy. Product search needs precision in data I
Google is extremely good at spam control. However, still not perfect yet.
I am just interested in search, but, I don't have the energy to solve all

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: Interesting. Are you working in this field, trying to solve these issues?
: Product search - so far I don't believe it can be solved if the data source
: is crawler. Some companies do much better with product feed aggregation. gg
: may do the same in the future.
: Recency shouldn't be a hard to solve problem for them. I've been wondering
: why they are not doing this.
: I actually think their are doing well in spam site control. It's a tough
: problem.
: Google

I'm highly skeptical about this :)
I think the history has pretty much proven that either you get it, or you
don't get it, in the search market in most areas. In some areas, there are
more than one popular search engines. But I think this is just for a short
period of time, a matter of years, before they consolidate.

【在 b******y 的大作中提到】
: Search is my hobby ;-) Hope it would be my career in the future... My work
: deals with search technology, but, not entirely.
: Google used to have crawler based product search (froogle at that time),
: they switched to feed based later on. I guess just like you mentioned,
: crawler based is too wishywashy. Product search needs precision in data I
: think.
: Google is extremely good at spam control. However, still not perfect yet.
: I am just interested in search, but, I don't have the energy to solve all
: th
