Re: Java and WAP# Java - 爪哇娇娃
Check this out:
As to my understanding, Motorolla will wrap KVM into their next WAP
cellular. I
don't know much about the performance and complication of the
client-side java
programming. I did develop several appls. on the KVM of Palm Pilot,
the only thing
I know is using Java you could quickly develop apps without knowing
about the device. That's already a fascinating feature, isn't it?
There're still a long way to go before Java becomes a decent to
Here are some more words on WAP and WML:
The WAP is a suit of protocols includes protocols of
security(WTLS), session(WTP), voice applications(WTA) and
If an application is only for text/visual content, developer need
to know representation(WML/WMLScript) only.
The client side should support WML/WMLScript just as IE or netscape
HTML. And server side can be any http server can deliver xml.
Of course, the client side can be written using j

【在 y**i 的大作中提到】
: Check this out:
: http://www.trantor.de/wbxml
: As to my understanding, Motorolla will wrap KVM into their next WAP
: cellular. I
: don't know much about the performance and complication of the
: client-side java
: programming. I did develop several appls. on the KVM of Palm Pilot,
: the only thing
: I know is using Java you could quickly develop apps without knowing
: anything

As far as browser is concerned, I agree Microsoft is the best. I use
IE 90% of the time now. Its support for DHTML, XML is wonderful. I
almost wondered why Netscape should be born. It's a pain that IE
take all the market and completely knocked out Netscape. (Hope in
the near future).
I have to say I don't like Microsoft. But as I develop Internet
if the target browser is only IE, life will be much easier.
client-side Java is slow and unsteady at all compared with ActiveX.

【在 s*k 的大作中提到】
: Here are some more words on WAP and WML:
: The WAP is a suit of protocols includes protocols of
: transmission(WDP),
: security(WTLS), session(WTP), voice applications(WTA) and
: representation(WML/WMLScript).
: If an application is only for text/visual content, developer need
: to know representation(WML/WMLScript) only.
: The client side should support WML/WMLScript just as IE or netscape
: support
: HTML. And server side can be any http server can deliver xml.

Hey, I don't want to argue about whether Microsoft is good or not.
I just speak from my own experience.
Microsoft products, especially the server products, don't behave so
and scalably. Almost all administrators I met hate to use NT. The
products family is good as long as every product in it is good.
they all eat gigantic memory and they shock you from time to time.
In terms of internet programming, asp is always slow and inelegant. So
don't understand why you ch

【在 s*k 的大作中提到】
: Here are some more words on WAP and WML:
: The WAP is a suit of protocols includes protocols of
: transmission(WDP),
: security(WTLS), session(WTP), voice applications(WTA) and
: representation(WML/WMLScript).
: If an application is only for text/visual content, developer need
: to know representation(WML/WMLScript) only.
: The client side should support WML/WMLScript just as IE or netscape
: support
: HTML. And server side can be any http server can deliver xml.


It is true that MS server lack scalability and have some very strange
bugs especially for those guys not very familiar with MS products.
In general, many believe that even idiot can setup and runnig MS
(even the server products), but even expert can not manage them well.
On the other hand, if using other products, the user should have
something on the products before he/she can start. And when they begin
run, they run well.
i say the project with limited resource means wi

【在 y***e 的大作中提到】
: Hey, I don't want to argue about whether Microsoft is good or not.
: I just speak from my own experience.
: Microsoft products, especially the server products, don't behave so
: normally
: and scalably. Almost all administrators I met hate to use NT. The
: server
: products family is good as long as every product in it is good.
: Unfortunately,
: they all eat gigantic memory and they shock you from time to time.
: In terms of internet programming, asp is always slow and inelegant. So


Java Applet may die on browser, Java mobilet(sorry, I refer some
mobile code will run on cellular phone) may be long live if the
bandwidth and the computing power of mobile phone can increase 10X(it
is very likely).
And in celluar phone industry, there is no so powerful software player
like MS.
BTW, I'm also not a zealot of MS products, I just want to say what I
For me, I always believe it should follow case-by-case method to
products and technologies. Every product and technology

【在 y***e 的大作中提到】
: As far as browser is concerned, I agree Microsoft is the best. I use
: IE 90% of the time now. Its support for DHTML, XML is wonderful. I
: almost wondered why Netscape should be born. It's a pain that IE
: didn't
: take all the market and completely knocked out Netscape. (Hope in
: the near future).
: I have to say I don't like Microsoft. But as I develop Internet
: applications,
: if the target browser is only IE, life will be much easier.
: client-side Java is slow and unsteady at all compared with ActiveX.

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