I saw this problem earlier here. The answer is: (imagine you have a->b->c->d, lets call the other pointer as "other" 1. duplicate each node and insert after itself. Now you get a->a->b->b->c->c->d->d 2. node n=head while(n!=null) n->next->other = n->other->next n=n->next->next 3. separate the two lists head2 = head->next node n=head while(n->next->next !=null) n->next->next = n->next->next->next n->next = n->next->next n=n->next n->next = null n->next->next = null 不知道implement有没有错,不过idea就是这样
3 楼
very good idea. 1) First pass: duplicate each node 2) Second pass: populate new other pointers 3) Third pass: split the list Thanks!