谢谢你的包子! 这是我的一点面试经历的一些体会哈。 希望对你有帮助,加油哦!~ 1)一定要把resume背的滚瓜烂熟,interviewer都是根据resume问的 2)多准备点问题 (以下问题是抄来的哈) Sample Questions for You to Ask What is it you saw in my background that made you want to speak with me? What qualifications would the ideal person for this job have? What is the biggest challenge facing the person you hire for this position? What are the three most important things you would expect me to accomplish in my first 30/60/90 days on the job? -And/or- What is the first priority of the person who is hired for this position? What are the reporting relationships for this position? What are the biggest challenges facing your company in the next few years? How would you characterize the corporate culture here? When will the job performance evaluation take place? -And/or- How are performances reviews handled here? What do you like best about working for this company? -And/or- What's the most frustrating thing about working for this company? -Similarly- If you could make one constructive suggestion to top management, what would it be? -Or- What areas does the company need to focus on to become more competitive? When you look at people who have been successful here, what tend to be their strengths? Conversely, when people don't work out, are there any common themes as to why? How would you describe a typical day on the job? -Or- What are the daily duties and work of an intern? What are the overlying goals of the program? How much discretion is I allowed and expected to exercise? What do you look for in applicants? What continuing education and supervision is provided? In what directions do you see your organization going in the near future? What are some current challenges here? What do you like most about your work here? What makes a successful employee in your organization? How would I be evaluated? What's a normal work week like? Is there other information I can provide you? When will your hiring decisions and offers be made? What are the specific duties required? Please tell me about your experiences with this organization. 3) 不要放弃,途中你肯定会遇到不理想的recruiter或者是失败的面试,但是千万不 要放弃,其实这一条是最难的。 4)通过多媒体学习,我在面试的时候看了好多youtube,把基本功都复习了一遍。准备 的越充分,面试的时候就越有自信