What is the status of my OPT?# JobHunting - 待字闺中
I asked ISSS to expedite my OPT, and here are the replies from ISSS. I am
wondering whether my OPT has been expedited or not?
Our contact at NSC said your OPT is already being expedited.
It only means that they are now looking at it. You must wait until you get
the EAD in hand. You may want to check the USCIS website to see when it's
appoved, but you can't start working until you get the EAD in hand and the
OPT start date has begun.
What expedited means is that rather than your application sitting at the
bottom of the pile, it has been moved to an adjudicator's desk (or actually,
I think it was sent to an adjudicator's desk directly because of the
expedite request we included in the application). The adjudicator won't
necessarily hurry the process of looking through your application itself; I'
m sure they'll be just as careful. But it doesn't usually take long once
they get it, unless there's something missing from the application.
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