Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on I (转载)
Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on I (转载)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
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发信人: jobdreaming (job and job), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
关键字: Georgia Tech,CEE,James,ITS,Sensing
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 5 10:24:40 2011, 美东)
RE: Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) and Innovative Sensing Technology Development
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is one of the top 4
engineering schools and top 3 civil and environmental engineering schools in
the US. We are interested in PhD students, Post-doc students, and visiting
research scholars who are self-motivated and have strong backgrounds in the
following areas:
• Development of intelligent sensing systems using computer vision/
image processing, 3D Laser, and LiDAR technologies.
• Data mining, machine learning for extracting features of interest
from Laser data and images
• Traffic simulation and modeling.
Our research focuses are a) developing intelligent roadway sign asset
inventory and asset management systems, pavement condition evaluation system
using image/signal processing, b) development of vehicle detection and
tracking algorithms to support traffic simulation and congestion mitigation,
c) traffic data estimation and forecasting, and d) spatial optimization and
stochastic modeling of large-scale transportation asset management and
large port logistics modeling.
Research projects are described below:
• current research project sponsored by the National Academy of
Science (NAS) NCHRP IDEA program on “Development of Sensing System for
Highway Workzone Hazard Awareness.” Computer vision, along with other
innovative sensors, will be developed to track moving vehicles and
pedestrians. In addition, a probabilistic model will be developed to
quantify the estimation and prediction uncertainties caused by sensing
technology for developing a reliable hazard warning system (minimizing false
alarms). current research project sponsored by Georgia Logistics
Innovation Center to develop a maritime awareness system for automatically
detect and recognize waterway activities (e.g. containers, vessels, dolphins
, environmental problems, etc.) through Savannah Port.
• Traffic congestion mitigation, including automatic vehicle
detection, traffic pattern study, simulation, and optimization.
• Large-scale national demonstration research project sponsored by
the US DOT for developing a Remote-Sensing and GIS-enabled Asset Management
System (RS-GAMS). Different state of the art scanning LiDAR technology will
be used on a van to collect 3D Laser data along with image data collected
using cameras and infrared ray cameras. The intelligent signal processing
algorithms will be developed to automatically detect pavement distresses and
roadway assets, including signs, guardrails, pavement markings, cross
slopes, etc. using forward LiDAR and computer vision technologies. In
addition, 0.5 mm resolution high-performance downward LiDAR will be used to
automatically detect pavement surface macro-texture and construction defects
, such as segregation, as well as pavement distresses, including cracks,
rutting, raveling, etc. Spatial data integration using GPS, IMU, GPS,
Distance Measurement Instrument, etc. will be applied to integrate different
data sources and spatial data fusion methods will be developed to extract
features of interest, such as pavement distresses, abnormal maco-texture.
Please contact Professor James Tsai at J********[email protected] if you are
interested in the PhD position. For Professor James Tsai’s research, please
refer to the following web site.
James Tsai, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and GIS center
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology