U.S. charges man with stealing software from NY Fed
U.S. charges man with stealing software from NY Fed# JobHunting - 待字闺中
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wneat (鲁牛), 信区: Military
标 题: U.S. charges man with stealing software from NY Fed
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 18 19:13:57 2012, 美东)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Prosecutors charged a computer programmer with stealing
software code valued at nearly $10 million from the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York.
They charged Bo Zhang, who worked as a contract programmer at the bank, with
illegally copying software to an external hard drive, according to a
criminal complaint filed in U.S. district court on Wednesday.
Both the New York Fed and the Federal Reserve Board in Washington declined
requests for comment.
Authorities said the software, owned by the U.S. Treasury Department, cost
about $9.5 million to develop.
Zhang is currently in U.S. custody and is expected to be presented before a
magistrate judge in Manhattan federal court later on Wednesday.
The complaint, signed by an FBI agent, said Zhang had admitted to copying
the code onto a drive and taking it back to his home.
Zhang told investigators he took the code "for private use and in order to
ensure that it was available to him in the event that he lost his job," the
complaint said.
Zhang was hired as a contract employee in May by an unnamed technology
consulting company used by the Fed to work on its computers, the complaint
The code, called the Government-wide Accounting and Reporting Program (GWA),
was developed to help track the billions of dollars the United States
government transfers daily, the complaint said. The GWA provides federal
agencies with a statement of their account balance, the complaint said.
It appears that investigators uncovered the suspected breach only after one
of Zhang's colleagues told a supervisor that Zhang had claimed to have lost
a hard drive containing the code, the complaint said.
It was not immediately clear if Zhang had retained an attorney. He was
charged with one count of stealing U.S. government property.
(Reporting By Basil Katz; Additional reporting by Pedro da Costa; Editing by
Gary Hill, Tim Dobbyn and Steve Orlofsky)