CS本科入学率13年曲线[zt] (转载)
CS本科入学率13年曲线[zt] (转载)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
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发信人: joyjoy (joy), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: CS本科入学率13年曲线[zt]
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 20 01:49:14 2012, 美东)
看2000入学率到顶峰 然后互联网泡沫破裂,学CS的市场饱和找不到工作,导致2007入
学率低谷, 感觉专业也像股市一样,冷热周期循环。不知道这次的增长什么时候到顶峰
Enrollments in undergraduate computer science programs rose 9.6 percent in
the 2011-12 school year, the fourth straight year of increase, according to
new data released today by the Computing Research Association.
The data, found in the CRA Taulbee Survey report Computing Degree and
Enrollment Trends, 2010-2011, compares schools that responded to both this
year’s survey and last. Overall enrollment — including schools that did
not participate in the survey last year — increased by 11.5 percent per
department compared to the 2010-11 school year. The report also suggests
that student interest in computer science may even be higher than the
enrollment statistics indicate, noting that enrollments at some schools are
constrained by enrollment caps in computer science departments. Free of
these caps, in place because of faculty or infrastructure limitations, the
report suggests that enrollments might have reflected even larger increases.
The number of bachelors degrees in computer science awarded by U.S. schools
also increased by 10.5 percent in the 2010-11 school year, according to the
report. Among schools who responded to both year’s surveys, the increase
was 12.9 percent.
Total Ph.D. production in computing programs held steady in 2010-11, with 1,
782 degrees granted.
The CRA Taulbee Survey is conducted annually by the Computing Research
Association to document trends in student enrollment, degree production,
employment of graduates, and faculty salaries in academic units in the
United States and Canada that grant the Ph.D. in computer science (CS),
computer engineering (CE) or information (I). CRA today released its
Computing Degrees and Enrollment Trends, 2010-2011 report. The full Taulbee
dataset will be released to the public in May and published in CRA’s
Computing Research News.