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非热门小startup,题目可以拿来练练,前3题是online coding test,后3题是电面
1 Longest palindrome string of a given string
2 Find the smallest prime Fibonacci number X larger than n, output the
sum of the prime divisors of X+1
3 Given an array of integers, find the number of subsets where the largest
number is the sum of the remaining numbers.
4.Return the output as a string containing the first occurrence of each
character in a given string
5.Given an input string containing spaces and a width, return an output
string of the given width with evenly distributed spaces
6.Return the output as a string containing the last occurrence of each
character in a given string
1 Longest palindrome string of a given string
2 Find the smallest prime Fibonacci number X larger than n, output the
sum of the prime divisors of X+1
3 Given an array of integers, find the number of subsets where the largest
number is the sum of the remaining numbers.
4.Return the output as a string containing the first occurrence of each
character in a given string
5.Given an input string containing spaces and a width, return an output
string of the given width with evenly distributed spaces
6.Return the output as a string containing the last occurrence of each
character in a given string
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这辈子拿过最多的钱就是1w多amex de 旅支,那手都抖
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only see coins
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