问个狗家电面题# JobHunting - 待字闺中
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在某牛人的面经里看到 问问大牛们思路
Abbreviation: apple can be abbreviated to 5, a4, 4e, a3e, …
Given a target string (internationalization), and a set of strings,
return the minimal length of abbreviation of this target string so that it
won’t conflict with abbrs of the strings in the set.
“apple”, [“blade”] -> a4 (5 is conflicted with “blade”)
“apple”, [“plain”, “amber”, “blade”] -> ???
Abbreviation: apple can be abbreviated to 5, a4, 4e, a3e, …
Given a target string (internationalization), and a set of strings,
return the minimal length of abbreviation of this target string so that it
won’t conflict with abbrs of the strings in the set.
“apple”, [“blade”] -> a4 (5 is conflicted with “blade”)
“apple”, [“plain”, “amber”, “blade”] -> ???