请问 Non-Compete Agreement 的问题# JobHunting - 待字闺中
1 楼
1 大家说的 不同州有不同的 Non-Compete Agreement 规定。
假设我 旧公司在A州,当时签了这个, 我后来去了新公司 在B州。那按哪个州法律来
2 另外,发现条款有这样的一项,该如何处理呢? 我要去的新公司和现在公司处在一
个大行业,但是产品技术,方法销售 应该都不算竞争关系。
按上面写的 我必须要给他们这些信息吗? 实际上 具体工作是啥 我也不是很清楚 新
offer 上也没写的。我不可能让新单位去弄这些吧。
但是我还不想和现在公司说,怕被捣乱 求教一下 多谢
For each offer to work that employee accepts during one-year non-competition
period, employee must provide notice the company in 10 days accepting the
offer. The notice must contain (1) the date that the employee is expected to
begin work (2) the new employer's name (3) new job title (4) a description
of the services the employeee expects to perform (5) the new employer has
taken to ensure compliance with non-competition and other restrictive
convents contained in this agreement
假设我 旧公司在A州,当时签了这个, 我后来去了新公司 在B州。那按哪个州法律来
2 另外,发现条款有这样的一项,该如何处理呢? 我要去的新公司和现在公司处在一
个大行业,但是产品技术,方法销售 应该都不算竞争关系。
按上面写的 我必须要给他们这些信息吗? 实际上 具体工作是啥 我也不是很清楚 新
offer 上也没写的。我不可能让新单位去弄这些吧。
但是我还不想和现在公司说,怕被捣乱 求教一下 多谢
For each offer to work that employee accepts during one-year non-competition
period, employee must provide notice the company in 10 days accepting the
offer. The notice must contain (1) the date that the employee is expected to
begin work (2) the new employer's name (3) new job title (4) a description
of the services the employeee expects to perform (5) the new employer has
taken to ensure compliance with non-competition and other restrictive
convents contained in this agreement