IBM要雷12万人的 forumla# JobHunting - 待字闺中
Comment 01/22/15: I am 55 years old. I have been an outstanding IT employee
since graduating college many years ago. I have always received praise for
my work and was a manager at another company before being outsourced to IBM
ten years ago. When I first started I received 1s and 2 s. A few years ago
IBM made receiving a 2 justifiable. Today I received a 3 out of the blue
after hearing nothing but praises and receiving Blue Points this year. It is
insanity and I cannot process something this crazy. -CA-
Comment 01/22/15: Just got my wonderful 3 rating, in fact all the new people
in my group got 3's...I'm sure I'll be on the RA list, quite frankly I'm
ready to go, not thriving just wasting away...does one know how to go about
contesting a "3" rating? I know its useless but want to clog them up if it
helps. -IveBeenMisled-
Comment 01/22/15: Names were selected in December. Meetings are Jan 28. -
Cringely is right-
Comment 01/22/15: At IBM 19 years. Received a 3 on my PBC for the first time
. I've been around long enough to know this means I am on the list. Loyalty,
hard work and dedication means nothing. Utterly disgusted!!! -Checked out-
Comment 01/22/15: I received my PBC 3 (yesterday), which I was expecting. I
can confirm that everyone who receives a 3 automatically goes on a PIP.

Comment 01/22/15: I am 55 years old. I have been an outstanding IT employee
since gradua........

【在 N****s 的大作中提到】
: Comment 01/22/15: I am 55 years old. I have been an outstanding IT employee
: since graduating college many years ago. I have always received praise for
: my work and was a manager at another company before being outsourced to IBM
: ten years ago. When I first started I received 1s and 2 s. A few years ago
: IBM made receiving a 2 justifiable. Today I received a 3 out of the blue
: after hearing nothing but praises and receiving Blue Points this year. It is
: insanity and I cannot process something this crazy. -CA-
: Comment 01/22/15: Just got my wonderful 3 rating, in fact all the new people
: in my group got 3's...I'm sure I'll be on the RA list, quite frankly I'm
: ready to go, not thriving just wasting away...does one know how to go about

Comment 01/25/15: Absent a union contract you are an "at will employee". IBM
can and WILL do anything to get rid of people where they don't have to
honor any longevity... If you are over 55 with 25+, IBM management will even
make up terrible lies to have a 'legal' reason to get rid of you. It
happened to me and I got so sick over it that I landed in the hospital. I
would've walked on hot coals for this ONCE great company... The current
levels of management are weak links and puppets for incompatence at the
highest levels. It's such a shame. Stay strong and know that there is life
after IBM. If you are a hard worker and smart, there is someone out there
who will hire you! Stay close to the ALLIANCE, print out all your files,
customer, partner and IBM friends contact info. Get your own private cell
phone and move your number that people know. Get your own gmail account.
Update your resume and Linkedin account. Good luck. IBM will re-invent
itself however alot of lives and families will be hurt. Most importantly,
SIGN UP to the ALLIANCE! -Anonymous-
Tech company 的兴盛靠的就是人才
IBM 这么做不怕寒了人心?
IBM早就不是以前的IBM了, 银行里一大把印度直接招来的IBM的员工, 手把手教都不
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