chinese just love to censor...
chinese just love to censor...# JobHunting - 待字闺中
An online petition calling for Ellen Pao, the interim CEO of popular website
Reddit, to step down has been signed by over 100,000 people who are deeply
critical of her leadership.
Controversy over Pao's handling of the firing of a popular Reddit
administrator continued to grow, as the uproar prompted several discussion
boards to be taken offline, while the CEO lost more support among Reddit's
According to the petition, Pao is responsible for "a new age of
censorship" on the website. The petition began three weeks ago after five
forums (known as subreddits) on the site were banned for breaking Reddit's
anti-harassment policy.
The appointment of Pao, the plaintiff in a high profile Silicon Valley
discrimination lawsuit recently, was polarizing from the start. Some users
were concerned that she would censor certain of the site's more freewheeling
communities. Reddit's recent clampdown on a number of offensive subreddits
led some users to deride her as "Chairman Pao."
"A vast majority of the Reddit community believes that Pao, "a manipulative
individual who will sue her way to the top," has overstepped her boundaries
and fears that she will run Reddit into the ground" the petition says.
Ellen Pao, former junior partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and
current CEO of Reddit, arrives at state court in San Francisco in March
Ellen Pao, former junior partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and
current CEO of Reddit, arrives at state court in San Francisco in March
At the same time, over 100 of Reddit's most popular forums have been set to
"private," in effect locking them off, by their moderators in protest
against the company's decision to dismiss Director of Talent Victoria Taylor.
In a Friday interview with Time Magazine, Pao apologized for the abruptness
of Taylor's firing, saying the company didn't handle the transition well,
although she declined to comment on the reasons behind Taylor's dismissal.
The moderators (unpaid, voluntary web users who help to run the subreddits)
relied on Taylor to help arrange Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions, a highly
popular feature where members of the public or celebrities could answer
questions from Reddit users.
Read More Reddit explains the mystery behind 'the button'
"Victoria was important to AMAs for a number of major reasons: firstly, she
provided concrete proof of the identity of a celebrity doing an AMA, and
made sure that it was not a second party purporting to be the celebrity; she
was also a direct line of contact to the admins, allowing the moderators of
AMA to quickly resolve an issue encountered during an AMA," explained
Reddit moderator Gilgamesh in an online post.
Taylor's dismissal is not the only reason moderators are unsatisfied. "There
is a feeling among many of the moderators of reddit that the admins do not
respect the work that is put in by the thousands of unpaid volunteers who
maintain the communities of the 9,656 active subreddits," Gilgamesh added.
Pao joined Reddit in 2013 and was appointed CEO in November 2014. She
recently lost a gender discrimination lawsuit against her former employers
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm.


【在 b**********5 的大作中提到】
: An online petition calling for Ellen Pao, the interim CEO of popular website
: Reddit, to step down has been signed by over 100,000 people who are deeply
: critical of her leadership.
: Controversy over Pao's handling of the firing of a popular Reddit
: administrator continued to grow, as the uproar prompted several discussion
: boards to be taken offline, while the CEO lost more support among Reddit's
: users.
: According to the petition, Pao is responsible for "a new age of
: censorship" on the website. The petition began three weeks ago after five
: forums (known as subreddits) on the site were banned for breaking Reddit's


【在 h****e 的大作中提到】
: 台巴子后裔就不要高攀我们中国人了吧。
: website
: deeply


【在 S*******n 的大作中提到】
: 有好事就说是台湾人,有坏事就说是中国人。某些人一种拙劣的政治妓亮啊。