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[在 jobhunter123 (jobhunting) 的大作中提到:]
[在 jobhunter123 (jobhunting) 的大作中提到:]
6 楼
i think they praise each other instead...
about daniu... it depends on which area you are interested in
In China the development community's culture is quite different from here -
many people keep focusing on one or two topics instead of extending their
knowledge to multiple areas.
I've been following this guy for a while: http://blog.csdn.net/innost he got very good understanding of how Android system works.
【在 j**********3 的大作中提到】
: 也和买卖提一样,大家互喷中共同成长么?
: 另外有什么大牛的blog推荐么?
: there.
about daniu... it depends on which area you are interested in
In China the development community's culture is quite different from here -
many people keep focusing on one or two topics instead of extending their
knowledge to multiple areas.
I've been following this guy for a while: http://blog.csdn.net/innost he got very good understanding of how Android system works.
【在 j**********3 的大作中提到】
: 也和买卖提一样,大家互喷中共同成长么?
: 另外有什么大牛的blog推荐么?
: there.
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