小伙抢劫“顺便”强奸8旬老太 兴奋大夸保养好 zz# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
EB1A I-140 Efile的几个问题:
Part 1 Information about person or organization filing this petition中有如下
"In order to electronically process your application, you must provide
information for the items marked *"
"If the employer is an individual, the Family Name and Given Name must be
provided. If the employer is an organization then the Company or
Organization Name must be provided."
下面三项 Mark *
Family Name (Last Name): *
Given Name (First Name): *
Full Middle Name:
Company or Organization Name:
Part 1 Information about person or organization filing this petition中有如下
"In order to electronically process your application, you must provide
information for the items marked *"
"If the employer is an individual, the Family Name and Given Name must be
provided. If the employer is an organization then the Company or
Organization Name must be provided."
下面三项 Mark *
Family Name (Last Name): *
Given Name (First Name): *
Full Middle Name:
Company or Organization Name: