【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】 : Deferred action/Change of Status
11 楼
啊?我咋没有看见呢? 难道。。。你还想听我唱亚克西啊。。哇咔咔 :) 哈哈哈
【在 c********e 的大作中提到】 : 版花奔了,版草你有什么表示么?
12 楼
You'd better check if both your little one and you feel comfortable with the teachers in toddler class. Your concerns are sort of valid but not that important. 我想开始transit的好处就是: 1.开始学习新的东西。大娃班教的应该比小娃班的东西更advance点 There's really nothing to miss. 2.看别的小朋友走路她可能会早点开始走路 It may not be the way. She'll walk when she's ready. 我的concern: 1.怕就她不会走路后会frustrating,如果被迫走路会不会是拔苗助长 Not necessary. I dont' think the teachers will push her to walk. Again she' ll walk when she's ready. 2.老师1:5,没有infant班1:4照顾的好(包括换diaper,喂饭,等等) Maybe or may not be, totally depends on the teachers. Toddlers should learn to feed themselves anyway. 3.吃东西都坐小椅子(她都坐的highchair)怕摔下来 It is a skill she has to learn. She won't get hurt even if she falls for once or twice. She will learn from that. 4.吃饭都是按点的怕她不习惯 She will get used to it, sooner or later. I think even elder babies should have a fixed feeding schedule.
13 楼
No much difference. You may use AOS to avoid any further confusion because AOS is more commonly used.
Thanks for the detailed reply! I'll take your advice.
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】 : You'd better check if both your little one and you feel comfortable with the : teachers in toddler class. Your concerns are sort of valid but not that : important. : 我想开始transit的好处就是: : 1.开始学习新的东西。大娃班教的应该比小娃班的东西更advance点 : There's really nothing to miss. : 2.看别的小朋友走路她可能会早点开始走路 : It may not be the way. She'll walk when she's ready. : 我的concern: : 1.怕就她不会走路后会frustrating,如果被迫走路会不会是拔苗助长