Credit Card 'Blockade' Halts Donations, WikiLeaks Faces Fun (转载)
Credit Card 'Blockade' Halts Donations, WikiLeaks Faces Fun (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
前雇主承诺被雷后3个月再向USCIS revoke H-1b,那就是3月底revoke,我现在要申请H-
1b transfer,去哪里查前雇主有没有不守信用地把我告发了?还是说告发了一般前公司
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: cashback (bing), 信区: Military
标 题: Credit Card 'Blockade' Halts Donations, WikiLeaks Faces Funding Crisis
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 25 15:24:07 2011, 美东)
By Mark Seibel, McClatchy Newspapers
22 October 11
ikiLeaks, the whistleblower website that has been at the center of some of
the world's most controversial news for the past 18 months, is facing dire
economic times, largely, the website says, because Visa, MasterCard and
PayPal have refused for more than 10 months to process donations made on its
The total financial cost of what WikiLeaks calls a blockade is uncertain,
but the lack of resources mixed with turmoil that has surrounded the
organization has kept the website from accepting new documents from would-be
leakers for much of the year, its spokesman says.
WikiLeaks said Thursday on its Twitter feed that it would announce a new
fundraising effort Monday, but how successful that can be without a lifting
of the credit card barrier is an unknown. More than 90 percent of online
transactions are handled through credit cards.
That means donors wishing to contribute to WikiLeaks must send money to two
European bank accounts, a process that is both cumbersome and expensive. An
online auction last month of WikiLeaks memorabilia raised "not a significant
amount" of money, according to the spokesman, Kristinn Hrafnsson, a former
television journalist in Iceland.
What large donors the organization has, Hrafnsson said, give primarily to
help with legal expenses for the website's founder, Julian Assange, who is
currently awaiting a British court decision on whether he should be
extradited to Sweden for questioning in a sexual misconduct case. Those
funds are "separately controlled" by an outside committee, Hrafnsson said.
DataCell, an Icelandic company that had been accepting donations for
WikiLeaks, has filed a complaint with the European Commission against Visa,
MasterCard and PayPal, saying the refusal to accept donations for WikiLeaks
violates European Union trade agreements. Litigation also is being
considered against the companies in the United States, Hrafnsson said this
week. But there is no date set for a response on the European complaint, and
a lawsuit inside the United States would seem to offer little hope for a
short-term resolution.
MasterCard did not respond to a request for comment. Spokesmen for Visa and
Bank of America, which also refuses to process payments destined for
WikiLeaks, declined to comment.
PayPal in an email Friday referred to two statements it had made in December
that said it had closed WikiLeaks' account because the website's activities
violated its service agreement, which forbids payments to organizations
that encourage illegal activities - a reference to US charges that documents
WikiLeaks was publishing had been purloined by an Army intelligence
specialist from an internal US government archive. The statements did not
accuse WikiLeaks of illegal activities but said WikiLeaks' source for the
documents had probably broken the law.
To date, neither WikiLeaks nor Assange has been charged with a crime, though
Assange reportedly is the subject of a continuing federal grand jury
investigation in Virginia.
WikiLeaks has been beset by financial problems before. In late 2009, the
organization took down its website when it could no longer pay for computer
hosting expenses, a blackout that lasted five months before donations began
to surge in April 2010, the same month WikiLeaks posted a video shot from a
US helicopter that recorded the death of a Reuters photographer.
That video, dubbed "Collateral Murder," was the first of what would become
four controversial releases of documents during 2010, all apparently
obtained from a classified US computer archive by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning.
Manning is currently being held at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., facing 34
criminal charges, including passing secrets to the enemy.
Fundraising records posted on the website of Germany's Wau Holland
Foundation, which handled some donations for WikiLeaks and also tracked its
expenses, show that contributions through Wau Holland's PayPal account for
WikiLeaks rose after each of the 2010 document releases - the Collateral
Murder video in April, a set of records related to the war in Afghanistan in
July, a similar set of Iraq war records in October and then finally the
massive release of more than 250,000 State Department cables that began in
November and continued until September, when WikiLeaks made the entire file
During 2010, the plurality of donations to WikiLeaks, nearly 35 percent,
came from donors in the United States, the Wau Holland report shows, with
donors in Germany and Great Britain providing the next largest percentages,
14 percent and 12 percent, respectively. The average donation in 2010 was $
For the year, Wau Holland said, it took in nearly $900,000 for the website
from PayPal alone - in excess of the $555,000 that Wau Holland reported
WikiLeaks spent. Wau Holland reported it took in another $960,000 in bank
transfers on WikiLeaks' behalf.
There are no similar figures for donations via Visa or MasterCard.
What fundraising would have looked like in 2011 is, of course, unknown,
though based on the Wau Holland records, it seems likely that it would have
exceeded 2010.
In the first four days of December 2010, after the State Department
documents began appearing but before PayPal blocked the foundation's account
on Dec. 4, Wau Holland recorded more than $138,000 in contributions to
WikiLeaks from PayPal, more than in any previous month that year, except
April, when PayPal donations totaled approximately $235,000.
Hrafnsson said the website took in more than $180,000 in the last 24 hours
before the credit card companies closed down its accounts.
In July, WikiLeaks claimed on its website that the blockade had cost it $15
million, but Hrafnsson noted that WikiLeaks has never put such a figure in
its official filings. He said that based on simple multiplication, the 333
days the blockade has lasted as of Friday might well have cost the website
much more.
Certainly, however, it would have been more than the $500,000 he said
WikiLeaks' is currently spending annually for computer services and
technical support.
"We'd been seeing growing support," Hrafnsson said. "I am certain that
support would have continued."
That assertion no doubt would be debated. Hrafnsson cited a survey by the
French market research company Ipsos, which found in March that 75 percent
of the more than 18,000 asked worldwide approved of WikiLeaks' activities.
But that number was just 39 percent in the United States, and when
respondents were asked specifically whether WikiLeaks founder Assange should
be prosecuted for publishing the secret State Department cables, 69 percent
said yes.