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If karaoke has taught us anything, most people from Asia are not shy about
singing their hearts out to any kind of song at any age in front of any
audience. As part of the mid-autumn festival celebrations, China's Hunan TV
has aired one of the more bizarre Lady Gaga covers to date: A choir
performance by Lao Lai Qiao GAGA, translated as "Old Folks Going GAGA."
Opening with tutu-ed girls playing traditional Chinese instruments made of
glass, they make way for the plain-clothes gang of old folks singing
jovially to the tune of Gaga's "Bad Romance." Providing their own lyrics in
Mandarin Chinese, the old folks have moving sets and gently choreographed
dance moves to make for an odd, but adorable performance.
Despite the smiling seniors, their translated lyrics suggest a life of
loneliness as opposed to Gaga's obsessive romance gone wrong. The choir
sings about trying to stay amused in old age and failing to get the
attention of their hard-working grown children:
Your working days are too many, you hardly ever come home
At the other end of the phone, you're always busy with no end in sight
Busy with no end
Busy, busy, busy without end.
Your old folks pass their days learning and finding ways to amuse themselves
Cut back on the little details, but HOLD on to those grand occasions
Have to HOLD on,
Hold, hold, hold, have to HOLD on.
Beloved son, watch the singing on TV
Your father and mother didn't make any mistakes, did they?
Tonight, HOLD on as you see Mum & Dad within a second GO GAGA!
If you're satisfied, please stand up and applaud
Don't make us too nervous
If you're happy, sing along with us
Give us our moment on stage (?)
But why Lady Gaga of all choices? Turns out they used "gaga" as a play on
words for "grandma" in their native dialect. So while they're not
encouraging people to look or act like Lady Gaga, just the fact they used
the music of an edgy superstar shows that these senior citizens are more
tuned to pop culture that you'd think. With Hunan TV being China's most
popular satellite channel, the performance was seen by millions of Chinese
people worldwide. After a rousing performance and a huge international
audience, these old folks' kids better pick up the phone next time!
singing their hearts out to any kind of song at any age in front of any
audience. As part of the mid-autumn festival celebrations, China's Hunan TV
has aired one of the more bizarre Lady Gaga covers to date: A choir
performance by Lao Lai Qiao GAGA, translated as "Old Folks Going GAGA."
Opening with tutu-ed girls playing traditional Chinese instruments made of
glass, they make way for the plain-clothes gang of old folks singing
jovially to the tune of Gaga's "Bad Romance." Providing their own lyrics in
Mandarin Chinese, the old folks have moving sets and gently choreographed
dance moves to make for an odd, but adorable performance.
Despite the smiling seniors, their translated lyrics suggest a life of
loneliness as opposed to Gaga's obsessive romance gone wrong. The choir
sings about trying to stay amused in old age and failing to get the
attention of their hard-working grown children:
Your working days are too many, you hardly ever come home
At the other end of the phone, you're always busy with no end in sight
Busy with no end
Busy, busy, busy without end.
Your old folks pass their days learning and finding ways to amuse themselves
Cut back on the little details, but HOLD on to those grand occasions
Have to HOLD on,
Hold, hold, hold, have to HOLD on.
Beloved son, watch the singing on TV
Your father and mother didn't make any mistakes, did they?
Tonight, HOLD on as you see Mum & Dad within a second GO GAGA!
If you're satisfied, please stand up and applaud
Don't make us too nervous
If you're happy, sing along with us
Give us our moment on stage (?)
But why Lady Gaga of all choices? Turns out they used "gaga" as a play on
words for "grandma" in their native dialect. So while they're not
encouraging people to look or act like Lady Gaga, just the fact they used
the music of an edgy superstar shows that these senior citizens are more
tuned to pop culture that you'd think. With Hunan TV being China's most
popular satellite channel, the performance was seen by millions of Chinese
people worldwide. After a rousing performance and a huge international
audience, these old folks' kids better pick up the phone next time!
3 楼
看国内开个破奥迪A6怎么泡妞的 (转载)老美男球迷果然君子,被女球迷当众瓜耳光都没还手,换你,估计早 (转载)李亚鹏和王菲传出分手消息,上交友8征婚代朋友征男友Chase 力作 信用卡首笔消费就送25000miles(无金额限制)中国女人与日本女人的对比 zzif you were my wife当你横穿马路被电视台抓住采访时要沉着应答.....!zz世博奇观,丢尽中国脸(南方周末本期世博专稿,原文已被删改)国防部庆祝抗战胜利65周年音乐会:烽火岁月,圣战千秋...哈哈哈,这小孩儿太逗了,以为自己鼻子没了~~~~据说是中巴边境 (转载)专业版问个中学数学题家宝私服下馆,结果杯具了中X部 9/3指令,请广大人民群众主动遵守执行zz人家有自由,我家有目田[bssd] 昨天杯具了。。。 (转载)要和外F过的女友结婚,她却要我把姓改成她外国前男友的姓夫妻在买房问题上出现分歧怎么办? (转载)zz武林史 序