汉语晕读测试# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 CaliforniaYuanRealty 俱乐部 】
发信人: yywong (Diana), 信区: CaliforniaYuanRealty
标 题: 房地产和抵押贷款利率在加州
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 19 20:30:46 2011, 美东)
相较于其他地区,加州有在美国更高的生活成本之一。 这是因高属性成本的程度。 此
外,它是经受过沉重的物业价格下跌的州之一。 因此,有利于再融资利率在加利福尼
亚州,是必不可少的,如果业主想以较低的债务负担和损失的家庭资产。 感激,最近
再融资抵押贷款利率波动每天。 为了能够获得它的感觉,这是明智的不断变动,然后
才作出决定的眼睛。 这些抵押贷款利率提供了多种选择。 有定期固定利率,浮动汇率
,你可以购买点数或达到无成本再融资。 消费者会想查明的那些最适合自己的位置最
低的价格了。 典型的固定利率是在今天的低利率环境的理想选择,因为它们让人们锁
定为整个任期内这些金额。 不仅在加州,而且在全国三十年期固定利率是相当抢手的
安全和长期付款期限他们提供产品。 可调利率仍可能为一些房主选择,如果他们需要
开始降低利率,并预期在贸易或再融资几年的房子。 一个完美的选择可能是因为他们
得到的便携式固定利率,他们可以切换它到新的属性时,他们卖。 接收最优惠的价格
需要一个积极的信用评分,稳定的收入和相当的首付。 如果您不打勾每个方块中,您
可以提供一点点恶化率。 消费者可能必须认识到,在美国只有少数人谁能够得到如此
低的价格最好的。 出于这个原因,重要的是要得到一个定制报价和检查什么速度你会
Compared to other areas, California has a higher cost of living in one of
the United States. This is because of the high cost of property. This
Addition, it is received by a heavy fall in property prices is one of the
state. Therefore, it is beneficial to the refinancing rate in California
Asia, is essential if owners want to lower the debt burden and loss of
household assets. Grateful for the recent
California refinance home loan interest rates are historically low, and
promote a favorable opportunity to lower monthly mortgage payment.
Refinance mortgage rates fluctuate daily. In order to get the feeling it, it
is wise to continue to change, then
Before making a decision of the eyes. These mortgages offer a variety of
options. Regular fixed rate, floating exchange rate
You can purchase points or to no-cost refinancing. Consumers will want to
identify those most suited to their position the most
Low price. A typical interest rate is fixed at today's low interest rate
environment the ideal choice because they allow people to lock
Fixed for the entire term of these amounts. Not only in California but also
in the national 30-year fixed rate is a very sought-after
Safety and long-term payment terms they offer products. Adjustable interest
rates for some homeowners may still choose, if they need
Began lowering interest rates, and expected a few years in the trade or
refinancing a house. A perfect choice because they may
Get a portable fixed-rate, they can switch it to the new property, they sell
. Receive the most favorable price
Require a positive credit score, stable income and a considerable down
payment. If you do not tick every box, you
Can provide a little bit of deterioration rate. Consumers may have to
recognize that only a few people in the United States who can be so
The best low price. For this reason, it is important to get a custom quote
and to check what speed you will
You offer, and then get excited about the interest rate position in the
Compared to other areas, California has a higher cost of living in one of
the United States. This is because of the high cost of property. This
Addition, it is received by a heavy fall in property prices is one of the
state. Therefore, it is beneficial to the refinancing rate in California
Asia, is essential if owners want to lower the debt burden and loss of
household assets. Grateful for the recent
California refinance home loan interest rates are historically low, and
promote a favorable opportunity to lower monthly mortgage payment.
Refinance mortgage rates fluctuate daily. In order to get the feeling it, it
is wise to continue to change, then
Before making a decision of the eyes. These mortgages offer a variety of
options. Regular fixed rate, floating exchange rate
You can purchase points or to no-cost refinancing. Consumers will want to
identify those most suited to their position the most
Low price. A typical interest rate is fixed at today's low interest rate
environment the ideal choice because they allow people to lock
Fixed for the entire term of these amounts. Not only in California but also
in the national 30-year fixed rate is a very sought-after
Safety and long-term payment terms they offer products. Adjustable interest
rates for some homeowners may still choose, if they need
Began lowering interest rates, and expected a few years in the trade or
refinancing a house. A perfect choice because they may
Get a portable fixed-rate, they can switch it to the new property, they sell
. Receive the most favorable price
Require a positive credit score, stable income and a considerable down
payment. If you do not tick every box, you
Can provide a little bit of deterioration rate. Consumers may have to
recognize that only a few people in the United States who can be so
The best low price. For this reason, it is important to get a custom quote
and to check what speed you will
You offer, and then get excited about the interest rate position in the

【在 t*Q 的大作中提到】
: 读完不晕,功夫算深。
: 【 以下文字转载自 CaliforniaYuanRealty 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: yywong (Diana), 信区: CaliforniaYuanRealty
: 标 题: 房地产和抵押贷款利率在加州
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 19 20:30:46 2011, 美东)
: 相较于其他地区,加州有在美国更高的生活成本之一。 这是因高属性成本的程度。 此
: 外,它是经受过沉重的物业价格下跌的州之一。 因此,有利于再融资利率在加利福尼
: 亚州,是必不可少的,如果业主想以较低的债务负担和损失的家庭资产。 感激,最近
: 加州的家中再融资贷款利率是历史新低,促进了有利的机会,以降低每月的房贷金。
: 再融资抵押贷款利率波动每天。 为了能够获得它的感觉,这是明智的不断变动,然后

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