暗器 (吃饭的亲,慎入)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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2012年第一贴放这儿,算是对本版的回报,也攒一下RP。这一贴就说说我在这混了一年多很少看到的比较另类的citations和contribution。我们平时所说的引用都是来自杂志的。LZ的文章来自杂志的引用加起来不到80,其中差不多一半都是自引,所以就用一些比较另类的引用来弥补journal引用的不足,同时也起到加强contribution的作用。这些另类的引用就是则来自各种网络及数据库的引用。LZ在这个版上混了一年多,很少看到有人提起这些引用。所以特别提出来供后来人参考,就算是攒一下RP吧。这些网络及数据库有大的也有小的,有业内有名的也有从来都没听说过的。比如学生物、做蛋白及酶学的对下边的例子里的EBI,UniProt,以及BRENDA都不会陌生,但是对labome.org 和RecentMedicalFindings.com就不是很了解了。 这些其实都可以在GOOGLE里找到,但是因为他们既不是media reports, 也不是 journal citations. 所以 LZ 把它们另作一类。为了突出LZ的知名度和杰出度,LZ把那些大的出名的网络及数据库列表放最上边,并在推荐信里提出来,在PL里也多次提出来支持publications和contribution。而对于那些小的无名的网络及数据库,LZ则只把它们列在exhibition充数。值得一提的是,LZ对每一个网络及数据库都象media report一样对待,i.e., 每个都有介绍并用alex和quantcast查访问的国家分布和全美流量。LZ一共查到了大约20个网络及数据库,下边只是其中的一些例子。如果这些例子能让你受到一些启发,请回LZ的贴子,并祝福LZ 2012年(1)快点绿,可以带娃回去看看老娘和老豆;(2)快点拿到专业certificate,并找到满意的intern;(3)家人都健康快乐,最好娃的爸能拿到一个R01。最后祝大家2012万事如意:申请绿卡的都早早拿到卡片,找工作的马到成功,找对象的早获佳人心,有娃的娃儿健康成长,父母健康快乐,家庭和和美美!!!
List of profession major databases and websites that cite Dr. KathyLee’s works and information about these databases and websites
1. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2006 is one of the only two references out of 39,000 articles on AAAA recommended by European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) to explain AAAA.
EBI is a pioneer of novel and developmental bioinformatics research. The average number of EBI web requests for May 2010 was 4,225,593 requests per day.
2. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2006 is one of the only two references out of 63 articles on BBBB recommended by the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) to explain BBBB.
UniProt is the world’s most comprehensive catalog of information on proteins. It provides the scientific community with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information.
3. Wikigenes:
a. BBBB: Wikigenes highlights that 4 out of 5 pieces of the high impact information on BBBB are from Dr. KathyLee’s works.
b. CCCC: Wikigenes highlights that Dr. KathyLee’s work on CCCC has high impact information.
c. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2005 is cited by
wikigenes to explain the concept of MMMM.
d. Introduction to wikigenes: a wiki for the life sciences where
authorship matters.
4. Four of Dr. KathyLee’s articles are cited by BRENDA to explain BBBB.
BRENDA is the most comprehensive expert of enzyme databases.
5. Dr. KathyLee’s 2 papers published in JACS 2005 and JACS 2007 are among the 10 references selected by labome.org to explain DDDD.
a. There are 5585 articles on DDDD listed on pubmed.org.
b. Dr. KathyLee’s paper published in JACS 2005 is also cited by labome to explain NNNN.
c. Scientists visiting labome.org are from more than 12 countries, of which 15% are from U.S. with an estimated 20,700 monthly visiting.
6. Dr. KathyLee’s 2 papers, both published in Biochemistry 2006, are among the top 50 biomedical articles out of 3406 articles on EEEE (2006-2011) rated by RecentMedicalFindings.com (RMF).
RMF takes different health and medical topics, and searches millions of trust-worthy peer-reviewed biomedical articles, published in a wide-collection of scientific journals. Visitor of RMF are from U.S. and all over the world, percentage of visitors from U.S. is 26%.
List of profession major databases and websites that cite Dr. KathyLee’s works and information about these databases and websites
1. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2006 is one of the only two references out of 39,000 articles on AAAA recommended by European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) to explain AAAA.
EBI is a pioneer of novel and developmental bioinformatics research. The average number of EBI web requests for May 2010 was 4,225,593 requests per day.
2. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2006 is one of the only two references out of 63 articles on BBBB recommended by the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) to explain BBBB.
UniProt is the world’s most comprehensive catalog of information on proteins. It provides the scientific community with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information.
3. Wikigenes:
a. BBBB: Wikigenes highlights that 4 out of 5 pieces of the high impact information on BBBB are from Dr. KathyLee’s works.
b. CCCC: Wikigenes highlights that Dr. KathyLee’s work on CCCC has high impact information.
c. Dr. KathyLee’s work published in Biochemistry 2005 is cited by
wikigenes to explain the concept of MMMM.
d. Introduction to wikigenes: a wiki for the life sciences where
authorship matters.
4. Four of Dr. KathyLee’s articles are cited by BRENDA to explain BBBB.
BRENDA is the most comprehensive expert of enzyme databases.
5. Dr. KathyLee’s 2 papers published in JACS 2005 and JACS 2007 are among the 10 references selected by labome.org to explain DDDD.
a. There are 5585 articles on DDDD listed on pubmed.org.
b. Dr. KathyLee’s paper published in JACS 2005 is also cited by labome to explain NNNN.
c. Scientists visiting labome.org are from more than 12 countries, of which 15% are from U.S. with an estimated 20,700 monthly visiting.
6. Dr. KathyLee’s 2 papers, both published in Biochemistry 2006, are among the top 50 biomedical articles out of 3406 articles on EEEE (2006-2011) rated by RecentMedicalFindings.com (RMF).
RMF takes different health and medical topics, and searches millions of trust-worthy peer-reviewed biomedical articles, published in a wide-collection of scientific journals. Visitor of RMF are from U.S. and all over the world, percentage of visitors from U.S. is 26%.