三个人一起做俯卧撑,你猜谁先趴下?^_^# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
麻烦各位高手看一下这种yard leaking正常吗?
准备买这个房子,inpector 建议如下:
ATTENTION: The yard around the residence on the front east side is unusually
damp and wet. At the time of the inspection, the concrete retaining wall
had active running water flowing out the weep-holes on the front east side.
The main water gate valve access panel (city valve) also was unusually wet
inside where the gate valve is installed. Due to the amount of moisture, it
is likely that a plumbing leak is present below grade-level. It is possible
that the sprinkler system is leaking (based on where the water was observed
on the retaining wall). Recommend that the source of the excessive moisture
be located and repaired as necessary by a qualified professional.
但是我的agent(dual agent)坚持说这是浇水后的正常现象,说再过两小时去看就没
有了。他只是要求seller 在下次复查前几天关掉所有开关,如果没有水印就表示没漏。
我应该怎么办呢? 这个agent和inspector的意见对吗?这个是大问题吗?需要再请一
准备买这个房子,inpector 建议如下:
ATTENTION: The yard around the residence on the front east side is unusually
damp and wet. At the time of the inspection, the concrete retaining wall
had active running water flowing out the weep-holes on the front east side.
The main water gate valve access panel (city valve) also was unusually wet
inside where the gate valve is installed. Due to the amount of moisture, it
is likely that a plumbing leak is present below grade-level. It is possible
that the sprinkler system is leaking (based on where the water was observed
on the retaining wall). Recommend that the source of the excessive moisture
be located and repaired as necessary by a qualified professional.
但是我的agent(dual agent)坚持说这是浇水后的正常现象,说再过两小时去看就没
有了。他只是要求seller 在下次复查前几天关掉所有开关,如果没有水印就表示没漏。
我应该怎么办呢? 这个agent和inspector的意见对吗?这个是大问题吗?需要再请一