Is Your Car a Republican or Democrat?太好玩了 (转载)
Is Your Car a Republican or Democrat?太好玩了 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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发信人: joycee (买买提头号女魔头), 信区: Automobile
标 题: Is Your Car a Republican or Democrat?太好玩了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 4 13:28:46 2013, 美东)
You know better than to discuss politics with coworkers or people you just
met, right? So if you want to figure out how someone is likely to vote this
November, you may try guessing based on their clothes (Brooks Brothers
versus Birkenstocks), hair (high and tight vs. Hillary's Helmet) or Starbuck
's order (black coffee vs. fair-trade low fat mocha soy latte). As it turns
out, what they drive could also hint at their political leanings.
An unscientific survey shows some distinct trends related to the types of
cars voters drive. The informal survey, conducted on the U.S. News
automotive site in February 2008, garnered over
500 responses. Respondents identified as 45 percent Democrat and 42 percent
Republican, with 13 percent identifying as unaffiliated or Independent.
Here's what we found:
The Body-Style Politic
No matter the political stripe, the survey shows that sedans and coupes are
far and away the most popular type of car in both parties. Half of Democrats
drive them, along with over one-third of Republicans. The two groups differ
on pickup trucks, which have become the de facto automotive symbol of red
states: In the survey, 15 percent of Republicans drive them, compared with
just over 3 percent of Democrats.
Type of Car Likely Vote % of Reps
% of Dems
Sedan/Coupe Toss-up 36% 50%
Hatchback Democrat
2% 9%
Sports Car
8% 5%
29% 22%
5% 4%
Pickup Truck
15% 3%
Other types Toss-up
5% 7%
If there's a hatchback in front of you, odds are there's a Democrat behind
the wheel. Among respondents, Democrats were 4 times more likely than
Republicans to say they drive a hatchback. In politics, it's not just
Elephant against Donkey -- it's F-150 against Honda Fit.
All in all, voters from both parties are more similar than different in the
style of car they drive. Minivans, for example, appear to be equally loved
(or hated).
Domestic and Foreign Policy
It may not surprise you that the survey found import cars to be a more
popular choice among Democrats than Republicans, with 71% of Dems claiming
to drive one. But another piece of data may be a surprise -- imports
outnumbered domestics even among the Republicans, where about 57% claimed to
drive one. In the survey, Republicans endorsed Ford and GM cars by almost
a two-to-one margin compared with Democrats, who preferred Hondas and
Toyotas. Chrysler (including its Dodge and Jeep brands) appeared to be
common ground, where voters on either side of the aisle were equally likely
to own one.
Going upmarket, however, voters in the survey again start to differ: More
Democrats chose Acura, while Republicans preferred Lexus. Republicans were
also slightly more likely than Democrats to drive German cars. Within the
German brands, Republicans reported being partial to BMW and Porsche, while
Democrats were more likely to choose Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen.
The survey may be unscientific, but it does give you something to think
about. Next time you want to know someone's political affiliation, don't go
looking for a bumper sticker--check out the bumper itself instead. A few
clues that may help:
Top 5 Signs Your Car is a Republican
2008 Chevy Silverado picture
Chevy Silverado: Republican
1. It's any brand of pickup
2. It's a Ford
3. It's a Chevy
4. It's a Porsche
5. It's any brand of sports car
Top 5 Signs Your Car is a Democrat
Honda Fit: Democrat
1. It's any brand of hatchback
2. It's a Volkswagen
3. It's a Subaru
4. It's an Acura
5. It's a Mercedes