V5:政法委秘书长:发现苗头及时咬耳朵扯袖子 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
The laptop I purchased from you last weekend is on the verge of being
returned to your because of the 'Signature Confirmation' that the package
was sent with- I work at a hospital and am not available to sign for the
item/pick it up as USPS througout the week...
Yesterday I called USPS and requested that they leave package at my condo
bldg and even signed the waiver on the orange form, but they still left an
orange slip indicating that the package may be returned to the sender...i
The laptop I purchased from you last weekend is on the verge of being
returned to your because of the 'Signature Confirmation' that the package
was sent with- I work at a hospital and am not available to sign for the
item/pick it up as USPS througout the week...
Yesterday I called USPS and requested that they leave package at my condo
bldg and even signed the waiver on the orange form, but they still left an
orange slip indicating that the package may be returned to the sender...i