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ONLY YOU ARE ON MY MIND 十八行诗分三段,描写秋冬夏
Ocean's end I am searching
Neglected meandering rivers looking away
Lonely castle stands in the autumn mist
Yellow forest stretches a thousand mile from the sea,
You said look for what we miss,
Overlooked road leads to dismay.
Under the starlit sky of a winter night
Alone I stand talking to Ernest Hemingway
Remember that arcane poem of a pool of moonlight?
Empty and cold world, Old Man and Sea
Orion dances in the milky way
Nebula of ring silently goes astray
Maybe in an early spring afternoon
You wander in the Versailles gardens and see a chirping blue jay
Maybe as the sun set, the sky is aglow red
I idle along the scented flowery pathway
Never ask how much grief and sorrow I can carry
Darling, just like the spring torrent flowing night and day.
Ocean's end I am searching
Neglected meandering rivers looking away
Lonely castle stands in the autumn mist
Yellow forest stretches a thousand mile from the sea,
You said look for what we miss,
Overlooked road leads to dismay.
Under the starlit sky of a winter night
Alone I stand talking to Ernest Hemingway
Remember that arcane poem of a pool of moonlight?
Empty and cold world, Old Man and Sea
Orion dances in the milky way
Nebula of ring silently goes astray
Maybe in an early spring afternoon
You wander in the Versailles gardens and see a chirping blue jay
Maybe as the sun set, the sky is aglow red
I idle along the scented flowery pathway
Never ask how much grief and sorrow I can carry
Darling, just like the spring torrent flowing night and day.
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【在 i*********g 的大作中提到】
: ONLY YOU ARE ON MY MIND 十八行诗分三段,描写秋冬夏
: 你要是看着眼熟,别笑话我,藏头太难写了,实在没灵感了
: Ocean's end I am searching
: Neglected meandering rivers looking away
: Lonely castle stands in the autumn mist
: Yellow forest stretches a thousand mile from the sea,
: You said look for what we miss,
: Overlooked road leads to dismay.
: Under the starlit sky of a winter night
: Alone I stand talking to Ernest Hemingway
【在 i*********g 的大作中提到】
: ONLY YOU ARE ON MY MIND 十八行诗分三段,描写秋冬夏
: 你要是看着眼熟,别笑话我,藏头太难写了,实在没灵感了
: Ocean's end I am searching
: Neglected meandering rivers looking away
: Lonely castle stands in the autumn mist
: Yellow forest stretches a thousand mile from the sea,
: You said look for what we miss,
: Overlooked road leads to dismay.
: Under the starlit sky of a winter night
: Alone I stand talking to Ernest Hemingway
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