Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。 (转载)
Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 SCU 讨论区 】
发信人: oloolo (似人非兽), 信区: SCU
标 题: 发一组旅游中拍地人像 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 13 17:05:17 2011, 美东)
发信人: shopper2 (带着胖子流浪的小车 ⊙胖⊙), 信区: Actuary
标 题: 发一组旅游中拍地人像 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 4 13:50:43 2011, 美东)
发信人: actuary616 (gougou), 信区: PhotoForum
标 题: 发一组旅游中拍地人像
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 3 21:30:33 2011, 美东)
于旅途中,在Key West附近的一个海滩上拍地,完全没有补光。
相机:Canon 60D
镜头:前三张17-55/2.8, 后三张70-200/2.8 IS II
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 12:37:55 2014, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 ITRelief 俱乐部 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: ITRelief
标 题: Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 12:37:01 2014, 美东)
自己只会take credit的。
All told, up to five "malware.binary" alarms reportedly sounded, each graded
at the top of FireEye's criticality scale, and which were seen by Target's
information security teams first in Bangalore, and then Minneapolis.
2011年target CIO 鼓吹外包。 讽刺啊!
Beth M Jacob, executive vice-president and CIO at Target Corporation — the
second biggest US discount retailer -- is at the cutting edge of business
where companies are scrambling to sell through iPads, online social networks
and mobile phones.
10 innovation takeaways with Target CIO Beth Jacob
Summary: Target CIO Beth Jacob talks mobile commerce, supply chain, using
data to influence innovation and the future of shopping.
Retail giant Target CIO Beth Jacob is working toward a day when multichannel
commerce is just assumed and shopping becomes more social as technology
blends into the consumer's daily life.
beth jacob
Beth Jacob, Target CIO
Jacob oversees the massive retailer's technology operations. Here's a look
at 10 takeaways from a recent video interview I did with her at the CBS
Broadcast Center in New York.
Working with Facebook. Target has developed a social savings program called
Cartwheel. The effort was co-developed with Target and Facebook developers.
Jacob said the program has 2 million guests who have saved $7 million so far
. Jacob added:
We developed Cartwheel in partnership with Facebook, and so it was the
Target team and the Facebook team working together to be able to bring
together this first social savings program and it’s been just a great
partnership. One of the things we worked really hard at is having a very
lean, very fast team, and being much more iterative in terms of how we
developed the new product.
Mobile commerce. Jacob said mobile "is a game changer" and will garner
investment dollars from Target for the foreseeable future. Thirty percent of
Target's digital traffic is mobile. The smartphone is largely informational
today, but Jacob said she expects more buying will occur over time.
The importance of the supply chain. Jacob said that customer experience and
supply chain go together and in some cases merge. "Supply chain and retail,
go hand in hand even beyond that today. One of the things that we’re doing
is working to even more fully integrate our entire network of supply chains
and capabilities, from our import warehouses to the back of our store," said
Jacob. She added that flexible fulfillment where a customer buys online and
pays in store is an example of supply chain and customer experience merging.
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Working with other C-level execs. Jacob said she works closely with leaders
of Target's multichannel efforts, merchandizing team and CMO and CFO. "One
of the changes we made is to really change technology from being a service
provider, a great service provider, to also being a great strategic partner.
I think it has really led to an involvement and an integration of our
business and technology strategy in a very compelling way for Target," she
How data informs innovation. Jacob said that data influenced the design of
Baby 360, a pilot in 10 Target stores in Chicago. Jacob said:
Data informed the way that we wanted to set up the store, so we changed the
planogram and the way that we organized the product for our guests to shop.
Then we brought to bear different data about expectant moms. They shared
with us that they want to have an interaction with an advisor that can help
them pick the right product. They want us to help them digitally connect
when they are in the store, so we changed the technology that we have in the
store for guests to be able to use to do their registries or to connect our
to expert news sources like BabyCenter. Then we armed both our team members
and our guest with some of the technology in the store.
Should technology be invisible in store? Jacob said:
I think that a few years ago, I would have probably said technology is
almost invisible, and it could be almost invisible, and I just don’t think
that’s true anymore today. I think that technology has to be really easy
for the guest experience in retail though. I think it has to be visible, so
the guest wants to be able to engage in shopping in whatever way they choose
to shop, whether it’s in the store, whether it’s online, whether it’s on
the go, and that technology shouldn’t be the focus, bringing the right
product and the right value to it, should be the focus, but guests wanted
the technology to be visible enough that they know they can use it as a part
of their shopping experience.
Point of sale technology. Jacob said that point of sale technology leaves an
impression---a bad one if the checkout doesn't go well. She said:
When you shop Target you can swipe your card before the transaction is
complete. It’s a small, but important innovation that we patented a long
time ago, that allows our check out experience to be really easy and really
fast. Another place that we’ve innovated in point of sale is that we have
our guests able to keep their coupons on their mobile phone. They might have
several coupons and with a single barcode scan they’re able to capture the
value of all of those coupons at point of sale.
Innovation advice. Jacob said CIOs have to set themselves up to be an
influencer around innovation and build relationships with the business.
Jacob added:
Make sure that you engage your organization broadly in innovation. We’ve
worked hard to do that and it’s paid huge dividends for us. I mentioned
earlier that innovation is everyone’s job, and it is, it’s everyone’s job
and it’s everyone’s opportunity. One of the ways that we do that is to
engage people in different ways of bringing innovation to bear. We have
internal hack-a-thons that anybody can be a part of in addition to some
external hack-a-thons. We have something called The Next Big Idea contest,
and it’s a really fun contest. We’ve done it a couple of years in a row,
and the last time there were over seven hundred ideas from our team members.
We asked them to focus in areas like mobile. So, it was great to see them
bring their ideas forward. They get excited about both recognition, there’s
a small prize, but what’s most exciting is their idea gets funded.
The future shopping experience. Jacob said that multichannel commerce will
just be assumed. Meanwhile, the lines between living and shopping will blur
even more. Jacob also added that she sees social shopping among family and
friends to become more important. "Describing something as multichannel will
actually not be the way that we talk about it in just another year or two.
I think it just is, in terms of people blending together all the different
data, and information, and devices, and patterns that they have in their
lives," said Jacob.
Measuring innovation success. Jacob said the most valuable metric for
innovation goes beyond sales to guest loyalty and behavior. Specifically,
Jacob looks at "brand love." She said:
A concept we talk about is Brand Love, and we talk about that a lot with
Target. One of the experiences that I’ve had in working with Target over
the last eleven plus years, is when I first meet someone they often respond
with, “Oh, I love Target.” We love that response, and it’s about
beautiful stores, and clean stores, and the friendly experience when you’re
in the store, and great product at a great value, all of those feed back to
guest loyalty. Which all of that does feed back to profitable sales. So
when I look at the measures of success, I measure it on that. Then I’d also
add I always measure it on a healthy pipeline of new ideas.


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: JobHunting
: 标 题: Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。 (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 12:37:55 2014, 美东)
: 【 以下文字转载自 ITRelief 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: ITRelief
: 标 题: Target IT外包烙印。 7千万卡被盗窃,CIO被炒。
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 12:37:01 2014, 美东)
: 烙印会扔老美CIO去献祭。
: 自己只会take credit的。



【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 看来只会做ppt有时候还是不行啊
: 10 innovation takeaways with Target CIO Beth Jacob
: Summary: Target CIO Beth Jacob talks mobile commerce, supply chain, using
: data to influence innovation and the future of shopping.
: Retail giant Target CIO Beth Jacob is working toward a day when multichannel
: commerce is just assumed and shopping becomes more social as technology
: blends into the consumer's daily life.
: beth jacob
: Beth Jacob, Target CIO
: Jacob oversees the massive retailer's technology operations. Here's a look



【在 A****a 的大作中提到】
: 比赵薇好看多了好不好
: 俺的菜啊
: 口水ing


【在 s**********s 的大作中提到】
: 好。。。
: 难道不是有点胖?



【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: 60D神机拍的吗?