First the Trees, Now People... (转载)
First the Trees, Now People... (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
⊙ 博彩开启于:Sat Aug 14 02:06:17 2010 类别:单选
⊙ 主题:周1大盘(DOW)涨跌
⊙ 博彩题目描述:
(1) 涨
(2) 跌
【 以下文字转载自 NCAA 讨论区 】
发信人: yangguo1 (杨过), 信区: NCAA
标 题: First the Trees, Now People...
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 25 14:59:20 2014, 美东)
Alabama Fan, Fast Food Worker attempts to Poison man wearing Auburn shirt
Perhaps the Auburn, Alabama rivalry went just a little too far yesterday
where an Alabama fan was arrested on charges of attempted murder and an
Auburn fan is being treated for injuries related to ingesting rat poison.
An Auburn fan entered a fast food restaurant near campus in Tuscaloosa
Friday wearing a "War Eagle" shirt. The victim, whose name has been withheld
until the investigation is complete, was working near the University of
Alabama on the day of the incident. He'd previously received comments and
dirty looks, but said he "didn't think anything of it. It's a fun rivalry,
but at the end of the day, we share some common bonds." Little did he know,
not every fan shares the same sentiments.
As the victim entered the restaurant, a worker identified as James Babin (
right), repeatedly made rude comments and threats towards the victim, such
as "you needa leave before something bad happens. Y'all ain't welcome here".
Witnesses say the victim maintained composure and attempted to ignore the
worker. Eventually, though, he did manage to fire back with "Hey, can you
give me a second? I'm trying to order." Jim Anderson, a patron of the
restaurant, says the Auburn fan's comment really irritated the worker, who
repeatedly yelled "Roll Tide- Auburn fans are trash!" Eventually, the
manager appeared to have gotten control of the situation when he sent the
irate worker to the back of the store.
Later that day, the victim was transported to the hospital for stomach pains
, where tests confirmed the presence of poison in his system. Investigators
spoke with the restaurant manager, who remembered serving the victim, and
discussed the events that unfolded earlier that day. An anonymous tip led
investigators to James Babin's Facebook page, where just hours earlier, he
had posted a status bragging about his "prank" at work that day. Babin
posted: "U dont come in hea wearin that crap! This is Bama Country! I hope
he likes the taste of rat poison! In BEAR we trust!". Babin was apprehended
soon after.