一些笑话# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
我最近升成了research scientist,学校的律师说可以办EB1B。可是收到的offer
letter有两段话让我很担心不符合 EB1B “permanent” position 的要求。问过学校
的律师,他说:"The letter is sufficient for EB1b purposes. It qualifies as
a permanent in nature position because it is renewable and it is part of the
Senior Research Staff policy." 可是这个律师要调走了,会有一个新的律师接班,
you are invited to join the professional research staff of the college and
graduate school of Arts and Sciences as a research scientist in the
department of xxx.This appointment, effective xxx,will be for one calendar
year at an annual salary of xxx. Renewal of this appointment is contigent
upon satisfactory performance, the continued availability of research funds
and, where required, the appropriate visa for the term of the offer.
In accordance with university policy, we are required to confirm that,
although the university may choose to offer you employment at some future
date, it is not obligated to do so beyond the term of this contract period,
as stated above.
我也问过系里的HR,他说是学校research scientist offer letter的统一模板。不知
letter有两段话让我很担心不符合 EB1B “permanent” position 的要求。问过学校
的律师,他说:"The letter is sufficient for EB1b purposes. It qualifies as
a permanent in nature position because it is renewable and it is part of the
Senior Research Staff policy." 可是这个律师要调走了,会有一个新的律师接班,
you are invited to join the professional research staff of the college and
graduate school of Arts and Sciences as a research scientist in the
department of xxx.This appointment, effective xxx,will be for one calendar
year at an annual salary of xxx. Renewal of this appointment is contigent
upon satisfactory performance, the continued availability of research funds
and, where required, the appropriate visa for the term of the offer.
In accordance with university policy, we are required to confirm that,
although the university may choose to offer you employment at some future
date, it is not obligated to do so beyond the term of this contract period,
as stated above.
我也问过系里的HR,他说是学校research scientist offer letter的统一模板。不知