爱国违约留美的J1小将lookacar最近消停了?# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
Please read the following and let me know if you would like to make the
commitment. I would be able to recommend.
I have been asked to contact you by Infectious Diseases: Research and
Treatment editor in chief Dr Douglas MacPherson concerning journal
supplements the editor in chief wishes to publish within the next 12 to 18
months. The supplements focus on the topics listed below, and the editor in
chief intends that it should provide an opportunity for relatively junior
researchers, as well as their more senior colleagues, to share their work.
We have contacted you to enquire whether you are interested in working with
us as a supplement's lead guest editor. We are seeking lead guest editors
to work on the following supplement topics:
1. Current Developments in Infectious Diseases and Public Health
2. Current Developments in Epidemiology
3. Current Developments in Antimicrobial Drug Therapies
4. Current Developments in Non-antimicrobial Drug Therapies
5. Current Advances in HIV/AIDS Clinical and Virological Research
6. Current Advances in the Management of Chronic Hepatitis C
7. Current Advances in Clinical and Virological Research on the H7 Avian
Influenza Outbreak in China
8. Current Advances in Clinical and Virological Research on the Middle
Eastern MERS-CoV Outbreak
9. Current Advances in Clinical and Virological Research on the Recent Ebola
Outbreaks in Africa
Articles published in the supplement will appear in Pubmed and other leading
indexes and databases.
If you are interested in working with us on a supplement please advise me
within five days. I will then supply a full briefing including the
supplement's aims and scope statement. I will also be glad to discuss any
questions you may have by phone conversation or email. We would like to
commence working with you within the next six months.
Time Requirements
Working with us should not require large amounts of your time: we can
undertake most administrative tasks for you. Tasks and estimated time
requirements are given below.
Task one: recruitment of an additional six guest editors. Identification of
candidates: one hour. Sending of invitations and correspondence: one hour,
although journal staff will do this on your behalf if requested. Task one
takes place over a period of approximately four weeks.
Task two: article solicitation. Each guest editor is asked to solicit five
papers. Identification of candidates: one to three hours. Sending of
invitations and correspondence: one to three hours, although journal staff
will do this on your behalf if requested. Task two takes place over a
period of approximately six weeks commencing no more than one week after
completion of task one.
Task three: writing editorial. The guest editors are asked to jointly draft
a short editorial of no more than two pages after papers are submitted and
peer review is completed: two to four hours, approximately seven months
after completion of task two. Task three takes place over a period of
approximately four weeks.
Benefits for Guest Editors
In recognition of the importance of their contribution we offer the
following benefits to guest editors:
• Membership of the journal's editorial board webpage and in the
supplement editorial
• Opportunity to publish your own papers in a high visibility
Pubmed indexed journal
• Discretion to publish one of your own papers at no charge
• Cultivate editorial experience and collaborate with other
scholars working in the area
the scientific world journal? this is absolutely a joke. they ask for 1200$/
paper. 这个杂志社穷疯了,我经常收到这样的invitation。