3 楼
5 楼
The formula for awesome bubbles:
1 cup liquid dish soap like Joy or Dawn (not “ultra”)
6 cups distilled water inside a clean container that has a lid
1 tablespoon glycerin OR 1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 cup liquid dish soap like Joy or Dawn (not “ultra”)
6 cups distilled water inside a clean container that has a lid
1 tablespoon glycerin OR 1/4 cup light corn syrup
6 楼
Glycerin often is added as an ingredient. Detergents form bubbles in much
the same way as soap, but detergents will form bubbles even in tap water,
which contains ions that could prevent soap bubble formation. Soap contains
a carboxylate group that reacts with calcium and magnesium ions, while
detergents lack that functional group. Glycerin, C3H5(OH)3, extends the life
of a bubble by forming weaker hydrogen bonds with water, slowing down its
the same way as soap, but detergents will form bubbles even in tap water,
which contains ions that could prevent soap bubble formation. Soap contains
a carboxylate group that reacts with calcium and magnesium ions, while
detergents lack that functional group. Glycerin, C3H5(OH)3, extends the life
of a bubble by forming weaker hydrogen bonds with water, slowing down its
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