【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】 发信人: DrWhomJnr (theLandDownUnder), 信区: Military 标 题: 非洲泥鸽广州强奸女大学生被割JJ 欧美白男纷纷表示喜大普奔 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 18 02:53:20 2015, 美东) 发信人: StMicheal (archangel), 信区: Military 标 题: Re: 听说广州有黑人强奸大学生被人把 JJ 切了 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 18 01:13:28 2015, 美东) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=899_1445136855 --------------------------------- 网友评论一边倒支持Chinese的正义行动 帮白男们出了平生最大一口恶气 譬如: Sweden, take a look! This is how it's done! Posted 3 hours ago By TheCOCKRoach Dear Africans - the Chinese do not fuck around and will not tolerate your culture of rape like Europeans do. Posted 3 hours ago By Catonian
Impact of fed action itself more important Market has many ways to gauge the growth of the economy. There are many company earnings / commentary, lots of economic data for that. You don't really need Fed action to tell you which way the economy is going. On the other hand, if economy is growing fast and fed is hiking, the stock market can still keep going up like in 2004-6