奥巴马承认他不去对抗ISIS是因为可兰经里的预言 (转载)
奥巴马承认他不去对抗ISIS是因为可兰经里的预言 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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发信人: JSIS (YZ), 信区: Stock
标 题: 明天如果涨,大家就快逃吧。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 4 21:32:11 2011, 美东)
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发信人: solomonhume (家驹), 信区: USANews
标 题: 奥巴马承认他不去对抗ISIS是因为可兰经里的预言
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 14 10:27:50 2015, 美东)
With the legacy media’s obsession with Donald Trump, you may have missed a
stunning admission by the White House about their bizarre non-strategy to
defeat ISIS: Their policy is being dictated by Koranic prophecy.
After President Obama’s Oval Office statement about the San Bernardino
terrorist attack, he was roundly criticized for continuing to push and
defend his obviously failed light-touch “no boots on the ground” strategy.
The shocked reaction of, well, everyone, clearly indicated to Mr. Obama that
everyone is out of step except him. He decided he would reveal to the great
unwashed masses why it is so vital the United States not confront the
terrorist caveman army directly: Because it would fulfill Koranic prophecy
of a doomsday fight between “the Romans” and the defenders of Islam and
the caliphate.
In other words, we are allowing a fantasy of an army of the insane to
control American foreign policy.
Mr. Obama’s feckless regime used its always trusty messenger, The New York
Times, to explain the White House’s Koranic strategy to the unsophisticated
(i.e. the American people).
The Times breathlessly reveals to us that ISIS “bases its ideology on
prophetic texts stating that Islam will be victorious after an apocalyptic
battle to be set off once Western armies come to the region. Should that
invasion happen, the Islamic State not only would be able to declare its
prophecy fulfilled, but could also turn the occurrence into a new recruiting
drive at the very moment the terrorist group appears to be losing
The newspaper often used by the White House to distribute public relations
narratives, then directly tells us, “It is partly that theory that
President Obama referred to in his speech on Sunday …”
Now all the bizarre nonsense spewing from Mr. Obama’s henchmen and
sycophants makes perfect sense, if you’re being driven by Koranic prophecy,
that is. We’ve been told for over a year now that we can’t confront ISIS
directly because … that’s what they want!
The singular talking point has been so absurdly pushed, the folks over at
the online investigative magazine, Free Beacon, have produced a video titled
, “The Islamic State Wants Us To Destroy It,” within which they lampoon a
litany of talking heads, politicians and academics moving the White House’s
“Dozens of thought leaders familiar with the terrorist group say that its
members yearn for the day that close air support from an A-10 Warthog cuts
them in half while coalition soldiers storm Raqqa,” notes the Beacon. “
They are begging for U.S. troops on the ground,” former Obama
administration official Van Jones said. “That’s what they want.”
“The one thing ISIS wants the most: American boots on the ground,” CNN
anchor Fareed Zakaria said. “As long as we’re relying on military force,
this is the kind of terms [sic] that ISIS wants. This is what strengthens
them,” Institute for Policy Studies scholar Phyllis Bennis said. “More war
is exactly what ISIS wants,” Sen. Angus King, Maine independent, said.
In an apparent effort to reinforce the validity of what the savages think,
The New York Times hammers home the value of the Obama approach by quoting a
French academic, “I have said it repeatedly: Because of these prophecies,
going in on the ground would be the worst trap to fall into. They want
troops on the ground. Because they have already envisioned it,” said Jean-
Pierre Filiu, a professor of Middle East Studies at Sciences Po in Paris,
and the author of “Apocalypse in Islam,” one of the main scholarly texts
exploring the scripture that the militants base their ideology on.”
All of this becomes somewhat confusing. Mr. Obama, in virtually every speech
including those after the massacres in Paris and San Bernardino, made it
clear that ISIS is not Islamic. That what the terrorists do has nothing to
do with Islam. Yet, in the next breath we are told that our policy in
destroying the “nothing to do with Islam” savages is being controlled by
Islamic prophecy.
Moreover, the racism embedded in this grotesque approach is striking. The
Obama administration clearly believes that if you scratch the surface of
every Muslim in the world you’ll find a genocidal, child-killing savage
fanatic ready to flood the Middle East to join in on the coming prophecy of
The notion that we should concern ourselves with what the insane enemy
thinks is obscene, as is this concept that the American military is somehow
helpless in the face of an army of Charles Mansons. Mr. Obama may be awed
when facing a cultic and corrupted view of the Koran, but our military is
This lack of confidence in the military by the current regime is not
entirely surprising when the commander in chief is more sensitive to the
beliefs of the Islamic terrorist enemy than he is the Constitution of the
United States.
The best way to eliminate any sort of ‘prophecy’ that drives ISIS is to
demonstrate its falsehood by destroying them quickly and without mercy. If
there is no ‘caliphate’ with which to run to, the supposed hordes of ‘
volunteers’ coming to ISIS’ aid are welcome to join them in their graves.
That horde, as “prophesized,” will not arrive as the fact of the matter is
Muslims, like all other decent people around the world, understand who the
enemy is and what’s at stake. No, Mr. President, they are not all waiting
to unleash their inner jihadi.
One only need to look to the 20th century for the precursor “religion” of
monsters like ISIS — fascism — to debunk an ongoing and particular liberal
prophecy. The left has always argued that America defending herself against
totalitarians of the world will only cause more people to join the fight
against her. It’s the only way the left can survive, by convincing the
decent to do nothing.
da jia dou zhe me xiang, suo yi ming tian bu hui zhang...

【在 h******e 的大作中提到】
: 耶稣经里面有类似的预言吗?巴马到底信的耶稣还是可兰?

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: 默罕默德其实很聪明
: 可兰经里面很多腹黑内容
: 包括不搞偶像崇拜
: 其他神都不过是先知啊
: 他们打仗会先打输到快被灭种啊
: 这尼玛比一般灭世末日论不知道高到哪里去了
