骗子越来越不敬业了# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
Good day to you my beloved one, I am writing this mail to you with tears and
sorrow from my heart. I am Esther Laboso, a 23 years old girl from Kenya, M
y father was Late Lorna Laboso the former Kenyan Assistant Minister of Home
and affairs, who was among the plan that crashed in a remote area called Kal
ong's, in western Kenya.
The plane crashed occurred on Tuesday 10th, June, 2008. You can read more ab
out the crash with the below web site.
After the burial of my late father, my stepmother and my uncles conspired an
d sold my father's properties to an Expert rate in Switzerland which the sha
red the money among themselves and left me nothing, One faithful morning, I
opened my father's briefcase and found out a documents that my Late Father d
eposited a huge amount of money in Eco bank Burkina Faso with my name as the
next of kin.
After then I visit Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so t
hat I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival over there
, the Bank Director whom I meet in person Mr. Baryshev Boris told me that my
father left an instruction to the bank, that the money should be release to
me when I am married or I present a trustee who will help me and invest the
money overseas. That is the reason why I am in search of a honest and relia
ble person who will help me and stand as my trustee for the Bank to transfer
the money to his bank account.
I will like you to help me to relocate to your country because my stepmother
has threatened to assassinate me once she knows my were about. The amount i
s($9.4 USD nine point four million United State Dollars, I have confirmed fr
om the bank in Burkina Faso, You will also help me to place the money in a m
ore profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help me b
y recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my s
It will be my pleasure to compensate you with 30% of the total money for you
r services and the balance shall be my capital, with your kind idea for me t
o invest under your control over there in your country. As soon as I receive
your positive response showing your interest I will put things in order imm
ediately. I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and w
illingness to handle this transaction trustfully and sincerely.
I thank God Today that I am out from my country (KENYA) right now In (Burkin
a Faso) where my father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin,
and I have confirmed from the bank with the Documents I have at hand which
I will be sending to you after receiving a good respond from you, I will als
o be sending to you my picture's in my next mail, thanks and have a nice day
Please reply to my private email address: ([email protected]
/* */) for secu
rity reasons:
Sincerely yours,
Esther Laboso.
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