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发信人: aspec (3 dollar bill), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 仔细研究美国大陆人这群体有好几个月了, 一点感想
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 2 19:26:20 2011, 美东)
I'm very excited to say that, over the past few months, I have gone from
not knowing much about the first generation chinese immigrants from
mainland china, to knowing enough to troll mercilessly.
and I'd like to take the opportunity to let you guys in on my latest
work, as a friendly gesture to promote mutual understanding and respect.
I am aware some of you are under the impression that I hold a grudge on
you for reasons unbeknownst to you and that I am here trolling everyday
just for the sake of trolling. In my own defense, it was a necessity for
me to don the bad-guy mask for my research. It's easy to learn about a
person's likes, but often times it takes a tremendous amount of
provocation to find out what they dislike the most deep down, and this
is one of those times, and this is what all that trolling is about.
In all these boring days at work making nothing but gantt charts, I
found myself devoting quite a bit of time to studying you folks as a
group and it's been interesting to say the least. You guys make
excellent research subjects and I wouldn't be studying you in the first
place if I hated you.
No, I don't hate you, really. Why would I hate or even look down on people I
didn't even personally know? that wouldn't make any sense. In fact I
don't even know anyone in real life who's ever lived in mainland china
in the past 30 years.
I'm so glad I took the time to study you people and it sure is nice
being able to read you like a book. No offense (ahh the preamble that
never really softens the blow), but the vast majority of you people are
beyond simpletons, and it is just as easy to manipulate you as it is to
read you. All it takes is a really bad writer that knows all the buttons
to push such as myself. I'm sure this knowledge will come in handy if
and when I finally decide to get involved in politics. Now I really wish
there were some mainland chinese where I work, that would really help
further my research.
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