a profound joke (ZZ)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
On his first day in office, President Donald Trump makes a huge announcement
years. It is our duty to uphold the sovereignty of our borders, and uphold
we will. Starting this very month, we will deport two million Muslims, five
million Mexicans, and one software engineer.”
All of the media, from CNN to the Washington Post, from Fox News to the New
York Times, instantaneously burst into a firestorm of speculation over the
identity and role of the mysterious software engineer. Pundits and analysts
left and right are completely puzzled by the President’s singling out this
one guy.
The day after the announcement, Trump’s senior communication strategist
hands him a press review, with all the headlines about the software engineer
, telling him, “See? I told you they’d never ask about the two million
Muslims and five million Mexicans!”
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