给老川写了封电邮,不知有用否? (转载)
给老川写了封电邮,不知有用否? (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: luobo (菠萝), 信区: USANews
标 题: 给老川写了封电邮,不知有用否?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 9 20:42:41 2017, 美东)
Dear Mr. President,
As everyone else, I am dismayed by the ruling by the ultra-liberal 9th
circuit. The consequence of this ruling, if not counteracted properly, can
be very serious.
What can we do at this point?
I think you should convene a cabinet meeting that includes the secretaries
of the State, DOJ, DHS, and CBP. The current situation entails the
necessity of coodinated plan and action by all the departments
You should advise the secretary of the State, Mr. Tillerson, to control the
issue of visas to those countries that are not willing to or not able to
provide the US government the background materials of their citizens. Mr.
Tillerson plays a key role in this. So far it appears that Mr. Tillerson is
still absent-minded about the issue.
You should advise the secretary of DOJ, Mr. Sessions, to employ the best
attorneys in that department, prepare a strong and powerful appeal case to
the Supreme Court. Also advise Mr. Sessions to check strictly alien overstay
and deport decisively whoever falls in that case.
You should advise the secretary of DHS, General Kelly, to do thorough
background check on all aliens who entered the US without being vetted
properly. Flag them in the database.
You should advise the head of Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, to
continue the good job they have been doing. Keep those out of the country
who cannot provide proper and complete document, show sign of potential
threat to the US, etc.
It is time for the administration to work as a team. All the cabinet
members should fully understand and support your ideal and order.
Best regards,