雅虎网上ID评价与白牛/黑牛做爱的区别! (转载)
雅虎网上ID评价与白牛/黑牛做爱的区别! (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: IFloating (Floating Freely), 信区: Military
标 题: 雅虎网上ID评价与白牛/黑牛做爱的区别!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 17 19:39:08 2017, 美东)
What is the difference between having sex with a white girl and black girl?
pretty self explanatory. how the vaginas stack up?
Vagina's definitely differ white vagina's can look wierd. Black vagina's can
look gross esp if they r too dark.... Kinda like black ppl some have filed
lips nd white ppl have thinner same with vagina.... The feeling all the same
tight is tight loose is loose. The difference is in the foreplay a black
girl expects more from u.not nice about it at all. If u dnt make her finish
ur dead, u may get a lucky fans moan but man I doubt it. White girl u will
get that moan nd more no matter what, nice nd welcoming, will feed ur ego...
But ull never know if ur actually doing her right or not natural born
actress. So really depends on what kinda theatrics your into. But dnt get me
wrong some blacks girls r freaks but anyone u make fall for u. U can turn
them into a freak. That's how I do all my girls. Passing the knowledge on
turn em out so my brothers can get that good stuff .MD the world goes around