1 楼
"溶入主流社会"是中国人谈论美国时的大主题. 各色人等都会有自己的答案.根据我个
人的经历和观察, 特别在此抛出二十一个问题来衡量你个人对美国社会的参与程度和了
解. 如果你可以肯定地回答11个YES, 那么我们可以说你已经在美利坚和众国"搞定赛",
It’s very debatable what’s the meaning of “溶入主流社会” those days, but
I think it’s possible to know how good you are “入乡随俗” in this “Land
Of Free, Home of Brave” society. Following 21 (twenty one) questions are
the measurable indicators by my book. If you can answer 11 (eleven) positive
YES, with 80% confidence we may say that you are mostly NOT the guy to say
1) You paid membership due at least twice to the Parent Teacher Association
(PTA) OR you have attend the PTA meeting at least twice in last 10 (ten)
2) You (or your spouse) donate to your kids’ school/class regularly OR you
(or your spouse) choose to be volunteer in your kids’ school/class
regularly, when you have kid(s) in school?
3) You know what the term “Class Mother” means?
4) You know all the names of your next door neighbor’s kids OR of your cul-
de-sac neighbor’s kids?
5) You have attended or hosted Neighborhood Barbeque (or Neighborhood
Banquet) at least once in last 10 (ten) years?
6) You have attended 3 Wedding Receptions in which bride/bridegroom is not
or both are not Chinese National(s) in last 10 (ten) years?
7) In your personal life, you have at least one Close Friend who is not
Chinese National?
8) Among your LinkedIn connections, less than 55 % of them are Chinese
9) You write English posts to your Facebook/Google+/Tweeter?
10) You know your City Mayor’s name AND at least one name of your City
11) You are Registered Voter in your state AND you know what Democratic or
Republic or Independent means?
12) You definitely know what’s current Federal Budget Deficit and current
National Debt?
13) For last 10 (ten) years, you watched Independent Day’s Parade at least
14) You eat Turkey at your own home OR at your neighbor’s home OR at your
friends’ home, totally speaking, at least 5 times in last 10 (ten) years?
15) You plant flowers in your front yard AND some kind vegetables in your
front yard or backyard garden?
16) You definitely know what’s the difference between Single Family House,
Apartments, Condominium, Twin and Townhouse?
17) You know the term “Ground Clearance” when you buy your new car?
18) In most of the time, you go to a Church once a week with your kids if
you have any?
19) You prefer to be called 华裔美国人 or Chinese-American AND you don’t
like to be called 美籍华人or 海外华侨?
20) You speak American English 95% of the time in your current working place
or former working place OR you have at least 3 (three) presentations in
English in last 10 (ten) years?
21) In last 10 (ten) years, you went to Yard Sales at least 3(three) times
OR you have host your own Yard Sale /your Neighborhood Yard Sale at least
人的经历和观察, 特别在此抛出二十一个问题来衡量你个人对美国社会的参与程度和了
解. 如果你可以肯定地回答11个YES, 那么我们可以说你已经在美利坚和众国"搞定赛",
It’s very debatable what’s the meaning of “溶入主流社会” those days, but
I think it’s possible to know how good you are “入乡随俗” in this “Land
Of Free, Home of Brave” society. Following 21 (twenty one) questions are
the measurable indicators by my book. If you can answer 11 (eleven) positive
YES, with 80% confidence we may say that you are mostly NOT the guy to say
1) You paid membership due at least twice to the Parent Teacher Association
(PTA) OR you have attend the PTA meeting at least twice in last 10 (ten)
2) You (or your spouse) donate to your kids’ school/class regularly OR you
(or your spouse) choose to be volunteer in your kids’ school/class
regularly, when you have kid(s) in school?
3) You know what the term “Class Mother” means?
4) You know all the names of your next door neighbor’s kids OR of your cul-
de-sac neighbor’s kids?
5) You have attended or hosted Neighborhood Barbeque (or Neighborhood
Banquet) at least once in last 10 (ten) years?
6) You have attended 3 Wedding Receptions in which bride/bridegroom is not
or both are not Chinese National(s) in last 10 (ten) years?
7) In your personal life, you have at least one Close Friend who is not
Chinese National?
8) Among your LinkedIn connections, less than 55 % of them are Chinese
9) You write English posts to your Facebook/Google+/Tweeter?
10) You know your City Mayor’s name AND at least one name of your City
11) You are Registered Voter in your state AND you know what Democratic or
Republic or Independent means?
12) You definitely know what’s current Federal Budget Deficit and current
National Debt?
13) For last 10 (ten) years, you watched Independent Day’s Parade at least
14) You eat Turkey at your own home OR at your neighbor’s home OR at your
friends’ home, totally speaking, at least 5 times in last 10 (ten) years?
15) You plant flowers in your front yard AND some kind vegetables in your
front yard or backyard garden?
16) You definitely know what’s the difference between Single Family House,
Apartments, Condominium, Twin and Townhouse?
17) You know the term “Ground Clearance” when you buy your new car?
18) In most of the time, you go to a Church once a week with your kids if
you have any?
19) You prefer to be called 华裔美国人 or Chinese-American AND you don’t
like to be called 美籍华人or 海外华侨?
20) You speak American English 95% of the time in your current working place
or former working place OR you have at least 3 (three) presentations in
English in last 10 (ten) years?
21) In last 10 (ten) years, you went to Yard Sales at least 3(three) times
OR you have host your own Yard Sale /your Neighborhood Yard Sale at least