主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman (转载)
主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 7 17:17:11 2017, 美东)
House Democratic women to stage walkout for ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike
House Democratic women plan to stage a symbolic walkout from the House floor
Wednesday afternoon in a show of solidarity with the “Day Without a Woman
” strike.
Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), the chair of the Democratic Women’s Working
Group, said that female lawmakers expect to deliver speeches on the House
floor in support of the strike, then walk out shortly after the chamber
convenes at noon. They also plan to wear red, as suggested by the strike’s
“I think it’s important women in Congress show our solidarity,” Frankel
told The Hill in an interview Tuesday.
Frankel and fellow Democratic Reps. Katherine Clark (Mass.), Barbara Lee (
Calif.) and Brenda Lawrence (Mich.) discussed possibly abstaining from House
votes to make a point on the “Day Without a Woman,” but decided against
The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a spending bill for the Defense
Department that is expected to pass with bipartisan support.
“We considered a lot of different options, but our feeling is that there is
so much mischief going on in this Congress that we cannot turn our backs,”
Frankel said. “We think it would actually be sort of the opposite of what
we’re trying to accomplish.”
Wednesday’s walkout comes after Frankel organized fellow Democratic women
to wear white – the official color of the suffragette movement – to
President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress last week.
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, known to make
statements with her clothing choices, similarly wore a white pantsuit to
Trump’s inauguration.
Frankel said she’s been trying to elevate the profile of the Democratic
Women’s Working Group to show lawmakers are responding to the anxiety among
Democrats over the Trump administration.
Her district includes Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Palm Beach estate where he has so
far spent nearly a quarter of his presidency.
“I cannot walk down any place inmy town without people stopping me with
severe anxiety about President Trump,” Frankel said. “There is so much
anxiety and so much energy. Constituents want to know that they have
representatives who are fighting back for them.”
Wednesday's protest, she said, is a way there can be "peaceful outlets for
their anxiety until we get to another election."
The “Day Without a Woman” is being organized by the same group behind the
anti-Trump Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump's inauguration.
An estimated 3 million people attended affiliated marches in cities across
the U.S.
Organizers for the “Day Without a Woman” strike have suggested
participants take the day off from work, wear red and only spend money at
businesses owned by women or minorities.
Wednesday’s protest has been gaining steam nationally. All schools in the
Alexandria, Va., city school district near Washington, D.C., will be closed
due to limited staff, since more than 300 had requested the day off.
Schools in Chapel Hill-Carrboro, N.C., will also be closed because of
absences from staff, which is 75 percent female.
A similar protest took place on Feb. 16 for "A Day Without Immigrants,"
which led many Washington-area restaurants to close for the day to show
solidarity with immigrants.