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Ronald William Prest Drever (26 October 1931 – 7 March 2017) was a Scottish
experimental physicist. He was a professor emeritus at the California
Institute of Technology, co-founded the LIGO project, and was a co-inventor
of the Pound–Drever–Hall technique for laser stabilisation. This work was
instrumental in the first detection of gravitational waves in September 2015.
Drever died on 7 March 2017, aged 85,[8] seven months before his colleagues
Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne, and Barry Barish won the Nobel Prize in Physics
for their work on the observation of gravitational waves.
experimental physicist. He was a professor emeritus at the California
Institute of Technology, co-founded the LIGO project, and was a co-inventor
of the Pound–Drever–Hall technique for laser stabilisation. This work was
instrumental in the first detection of gravitational waves in September 2015.
Drever died on 7 March 2017, aged 85,[8] seven months before his colleagues
Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne, and Barry Barish won the Nobel Prize in Physics
for their work on the observation of gravitational waves.
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王宝强赢了官司去失去了女儿我对钻sir们的政策是这样理解的兼职专栏文章05才女出一上联欲羞辱和尚,和尚对出下联,才女听后羞愧不已哥们柜员机取钱这么小就是戏精东北女司机麻痹地宪法就改了一个字,一帮索兰吵个不停 (转载)搞笑动图:作死系列,活着不好吗?畜生!17岁女孩因助人被奸杀焚烧我误入了黑道儿,悔之晚矣第一批00后参加中国传媒大学艺考了!他们的颜值你觉得怎么样?黄牛对白男果然能忍民国女性地位真的很高啊双王郗小星席宁都是因为被当作习包子家人被抓,席绢吓得赶紧跑了!version difference最“短命”官员 上任仅一小时就落马 (转载)老床不让亲属移民,他岳父岳母却移民美国冬奥会上终于有老外叫韩国人别吃狗肉了