2 楼
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Here's a car guy's description of how you control a bunch horses tied to a
carriage or stagecoach that you're sitting on: You grab hold of a whip,
wield it with the threat of force and the occasional whipcrack. Assholes and
sadists actually whip the horses. Then eventually the stagecoach you're
holding onto for dear life will turn in the direction you want it to go.
This is how people used to steer vehicles.
carriage or stagecoach that you're sitting on: You grab hold of a whip,
wield it with the threat of force and the occasional whipcrack. Assholes and
sadists actually whip the horses. Then eventually the stagecoach you're
holding onto for dear life will turn in the direction you want it to go.
This is how people used to steer vehicles.
5 楼
女记者在直播访问, 小屁孩一直盯着人家胸部看! 上电视了! (转载)怎么说服LG不要老二 (转载)我有点喜欢瓢虫了男子买劣质壮阳药硬挺3天 拿药膏向警方报案Re: 忽然想到,如果以后黑人抱孩子来犯罪怎么办? (转载)中国航母海试啦!有良心的色狼啊! 遇见处女就跑去冲冷水澡让自己冷静《喜爱夜蒲3》现场拍摄 (转载)感觉非常的消沉小小师妹让我觉得自己真贱西雅图外×××女小留的幸福生活喜讯:中国夫妻平均每月的性生活次数为9次 (转载)跑鞋的妙用 (转载)sohu:C罗枪下尤物奇尺大乳!床战整晚被封小野马电哥上了“世界日报” (转载)Re: 终于找到比屎还难吃的东西了 (转载)管它是啥,吃了先[通知] Joke 举办博彩:本次国会关门会持续多久?里皮答记者情侣在旅馆卫生间上演激情戏致马桶破碎赔200元 (转载)