2 楼
Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
Here's how it worked...
Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
it did show up
The second bug was that the video uploader incorrectly used Facebook's
single sign-on functionality, and generated an access token for the mobile
The third bug was that when the video uploader showed up, the access token
was generated for not you as the user, but for the user you were looking up
This was discovered by attackers, who were able to use this system to look
up other users and get further tokens
Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
Here's how it worked...
Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
it did show up
The second bug was that the video uploader incorrectly used Facebook's
single sign-on functionality, and generated an access token for the mobile
The third bug was that when the video uploader showed up, the access token
was generated for not you as the user, but for the user you were looking up
This was discovered by attackers, who were able to use this system to look
up other users and get further tokens
3 楼
第三个现在 fix 了么。。。
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
5 楼
这个垃圾网站 我注销好多年了 还成天往我信箱塞建议
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
6 楼
7 楼
12 楼
13 楼
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
15 楼
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 感觉非常业余阿
: Facebook hack – how did this breach happen
: Here's how it worked...
: Facebook's systems were compromised through the 'View As' feature
: 'View As' lets you see your profile as another specific user would see it
: The three bugs related specifically to a re-design of the video uploader
: tool
: When using 'View As', the video uploader tool shouldn't have shown up at all
: But on specific posts encouraging people to post happy birthday greetings,
: it did show up
18 楼
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