哈佛说race can only help applicants (转载)
哈佛说race can only help applicants (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 哈佛说race can only help applicants
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 15 14:44:15 2018, 美东)
Harvard University's lawyers in their opening arguments in a highly-
publicized lawsuit argue that race can only help applicants during the
admissions process.
Harvard's legal team told U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs that
students are never denied admission over their race alone.
“Harvard never considers an applicant’s race to be negative,” Harvard
lawyer William Lee said in his opening statement, Reuters reported. “If it
considers race at all, it is always considered in a positive way.”
Harvard is facing a lawsuit from a group that says the university
discriminates against Asian-American applicants.
Advocacy group Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) claims Harvard holds
Asian-American applicants to an unfair standard, illegally engaging in "
racial balancing" that blocks qualified students from gaining admission due
to their race, according to Reuters.
The lawsuit is backed by the Trump administration and could possibly reach
the Supreme Court.
The court's decision could have lasting implications for the use of
affirmative action in admissions processes. It is currently legal for
universities to consider race as one factor among money when admitting a
student, a practice that became widespread following the passage of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Affirmative action activists say it is one method for rectifying historical
inequities between the races, giving marginalized black and Latino students
a leg up following decades of educational discrimination. Those who denounce
affirmative action say it disadvantages minority groups that perform well
academically, such as Asian-Americans.
SFFA first sued in 2014, saying Harvard should not consider race whatsoever,
The Associated Press reported.
The Department of Justice last month launched a similar probe into Yale
University's admission of Asian-American students.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions in July rescinded Obama-era guidelines that
encouraged diversity in higher education, saying no American should be
denied admission to school because of their race.
Civil rights groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union argued a
reversal of affirmative action policies could create more racial inequality.

"The Trump administration has advocated for 'race-blind' policies, which
Harvard and virtually all other universities have found are demonstrably
insufficient to achieve meaningful diversity, given the reality of historic
and continuing racial discrimination in this country," the ACLU said in a
statement at the time.