剥夺政治权利# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
When asked during a CNN town hall Monday night if incarcerated felons like
the Boston Marathon bomber or those convicted of sexual assault should be
eligible to vote while serving their sentences, Sanders firmly replied, “
The right to vote is inherent to our democracy — yes, even for terrible
“As it happens, in my own state of Vermont, from the very first days of our
state's history, what our Constitution says is that everybody can vote,”
he said. “So people in jail can vote.”
Sanders continued: “If somebody commits a serious crime, sexual assault,
murder, they’re going to be punished. They may be in jail for 10 years, 20
years, 50 years, their whole lives. That’s what happens when you commit a
serious crime.
“But I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy — yes, even
for terrible people,” he added, “because once you start chipping away and
you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him
vote.’ ... You're running down a slippery slope.”
The Republican National Committee issued a statement denouncing Sanders, who
during the town hall accused Republican governors of a “cowardly” effort
to suppress votes.
“Bernie Sanders, the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination,
just made it clear he wants convicted terrorists, sex offenders and
murderers to vote from prison,” the statement read. “The Boston Marathon
Bomber killed three people and injured 280 more. Bernie’s concern? That he
gets his absentee ballot.”
Only two states allow incarcerated citizens to vote, Sanders’s Vermont and
The constitution says The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.
I guess the next Bernie would advocate issuing each inmate an ar15. And don
’t forget a couple hundred rounds of ammo.
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