2 楼
The air conditioner of my car (used) stopped working within the warranty
period, but the dealer refused to repair it.
The warranty in MA lemon law says:
cover any defect or malfunction that impairs its safety or use.
Does that impair "use"? I think yes, and the dealer thinks no. I checked
legal service in my school, and they asked the attorney general, but still
can not get a clear answer. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks a lot
period, but the dealer refused to repair it.
The warranty in MA lemon law says:
cover any defect or malfunction that impairs its safety or use.
Does that impair "use"? I think yes, and the dealer thinks no. I checked
legal service in my school, and they asked the attorney general, but still
can not get a clear answer. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks a lot
3 楼
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